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Ain't How Hard You Hit,
It's How Hard You Get Hit, And Keep Moving

I heard these famous lines in the sixth Rocky movie where Stallone's character, Rocky Balboa tells his son his philosophy to life, an approach that has been used by many a successful people throughout history. He tells his son how tough life can be and that in order to get what we want, we have to go out there to get it. We all know what we are worth and its our birthright to go out in life and get what we are worth. Joy, abundance and happiness are the things that we are worth. Sometimes though we must be ready to take the hits along the way in order to get the things we want or the place we want to be in life.

Failure's and setbacks can overtake us on our long journey to success and it's not about what happens to us, but what we do about that is important. And in order to win, we got to keep right on going, even when things are tough. As Rocky says ''It ain't about how hard you hit in life, it's how hard you can get hit and keep moving, it's how much you take and keep moving forwards, thats how winning is done."
Only cowards blame others for their circumstances in life. They refuse to take any responsibility for their unhappiness and refuse to accept that a simple shifting of their perspective and thinking is all that is needed in order to get them back on the road to success. History is filled with countless examples of people whose lives were made hard by the circumstances they were dealt with, yet what made them great was their refusal to accept defeat. They kept right on going even when things were tough.

All the great people have failed at some point in their quest for success.

Abraham Lincoln failed numerous times in his life to be elected in various positions in the American government. His life was also beset with tradgety as well and he even suffered a nervous breakdown which lasted six months. But these setbacks and failures did not stop him from getting what he wanted from life, to become one of the greatest American presidents in history.

Thomas Edison encountered many failed experiments to get his inventions working yet he did not believe in failure and it was his persistence that kept him right on going. His story his a prime example of the power of persistence and determination.

How about JK Rowling, the famous author of Harry Potter?

She was a single mother on the dole with children to look after. She had it real tough struggling to barely make ends meet. If she had not believed in her creative writing ability, she would not have created her masterpiece, Harry Potter. Her book was rejected numerous times, but her persistence to see it in print paid off and look at her now, a multi millionaire living in a mansion, with her creation loved by millions.

As the great Napoleon Hill said in his book 'Think And Grow Rich' you are never truly defeated until you accept defeat as your reality. His words and the words of Rocky in the film Rocky Balboa, have imprinted themselves on my subconscious. They remind me that no matter how tough life gets, no matter what happens, what is put in front of me, the key is to keep right on going, refusing to accept any defeat and surrender. We will always get what we want, when we don't give up.

So when life knocks you down, get right back up and keep on going. Because thats the winning way.

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