Chapter 7

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The neon lights and loud sirens blared loudly, echoing in the eerie night. A stretcher was being pulled out with a bloody sheet covering it. A scream was drowned out by the emergency sirens of chaos as the girl's eyes landed on the blanket covering her bright haired friend. The police held the girl back, repeating the fact she wasn't allowed in this area, the girl just screamed and cried hysterically before falling to the floor, repeating the corpse's name.

The detective surveyed the girl with the raven hair crying on the floor, he had thought that maybe she had been involved; after all, these strings of deaths appear to be occurring around her and her friends. However one look at her broken eyes and tearstained face told the detective all he needed, he didn't bother questioning her, knowing it was no use.

Amy walked into the darkness her sobs never ceasing, the disbelief still fresh within her heart. Then, something began to mimic her footsteps. She stopped under the burnt orange glow of a street lamp and turned only to see blackness. An icy spider crawled up her back and made her shiver. The girl continued walking, ignoring the soft footsteps and light breathing directly behind her, tears still streaming down her face. Amy was about to turn into her house when in front of her appeared a little girl with no eyes and a wicked smile placed on her lips. The Eyeless raised her arm and a great unseen force sent Amy hurtling backwards. The teen landed in the middle of the road, she groaned absent-mindedly as a booming began in her head. The little girl tilted her head then flickered in and out of reality before appearing besides Amy. Amy sprung up and ran in the opposite direction.

"Ooh! I love playing chase." The Eyeless teased in mock innocence, her words dripping with venom.

Amy sprinted taking every sharp corner and ominous alley way she came across, desperation coursing through her veins, forcing her to continue. She wanted to break down. She wanted to stop, to cry. For Rel, for Alex, for Andy and for Pete, it was hard not crying every second of her day, the depression of death and the threat of a supernatural force lingering over her shoulder. Amy kept running. With no idea where she was, her mussels began to ache. She kept running. Her hair was plastered to her forehead with sweat, her clothes clung tightly to her. She kept running. Her legs felt weak. She kept running. She could barely breathe. Her legs collapsed.

Desperately gasping for breath as her tortured body racked in agony and sorrow, the small girl skipped up to her.

"That was fun." The girl grinned darkly down at Amy's writhing figure. "I wish my "friends" would do that more often."

Amy was once again thrown to the side by seemingly nothing; she landed in the middle of the pavement with a thump. The small girl flashed up to her and grinned in a sickly way, tilting her head slightly so the crimson colour flowed effortlessly from her black sockets. The dark liquid stained her pearly white face and lacy dress. She let out a poisonous laugh us her head began to twist and tilt more violently and Amy watched in abject horror. The girls head twisted the full way round several times and with each turn, her smile became less creepy and more full on evil. The girls entire body began to contort, her arms turning at sharp, unnatural angles, her legs making an ungodly cracking sound as they stretched and became skinnier. The flesh gripped tightly to the growing bones of the girl's body until it began to tear in certain places, spilling even more crimson. The girls face became skinnier as her cheeks caved in and jaw hung open. The figure grew and grew until a grotesque monster stood in front of Amy's cowering figure. All its hair had fallen out and had grown twice the size of Amy. Its skin clung tightly to the bones, highlighting each joint and vein. There were tears in the skin everywhere, spouting blood and pus. The only recognizable feature of the small girl that once stood next to Amy was the red tracks down its cheeks from its empty, lifeless, soulless sockets.

Amy wanted to scream, cry, run, do something, but she found herself paralyzed in utter fear, barely able to breathe, tears slowly rolling down her cheek. The towering monster in front of her tried to grin but its jaw hung off its face by a single thread. It reached forward with scrawny hand and grabbed Amy with its long, bony fingers. It lifted her into the air when suddenly, the hand she was holding the teen in began to boil and swell, it tried to keep hold of the young girl but the more it held her, the more it burnt. The thing shrieked and dropped the girl to the ground. Its skin continued to burn and bubble, skin beginning to peel off, it let out an unearthly shriek once again yet no one but Amy could hear it.

The midnight haired girl's eyes were wide with shock. Suddenly, she noticed the muffled blue light hidden beneath the material of her top. That's when she realised, she grabbed the chain that hung round her neck then untucked it from under her shirt to see a vibrant glow of aqua igniting the pendant. She shielded her eyes from the bright light with her other arm before cautiously getting to her feet. The Eyeless was still inspecting its arm, she held out the charm to it, it squealed and disappeared. The glow faltered and returned to normal. Amy glanced down at the cool, silver pentagram in her hand. She never took this off, the demon couldn't touch her. Pentagrams repel demons, contrary to popular belief. Amy had found a way to stop this creature from hurting them. It may be short term but it was something. She hurriedly pulled out her phone and proceeded to call Jenna.


Sorry I haven't updated for a while but a very tragic event unfortunately inspired to write. At the weekend I found out the a youtuber I like, Daniel Kyre, passed away after an apparent suicide attempt. Daniel did sketch comedy with his friends Ryan and Matt in a group called Cyndago. They had all recently moved in a new house together with Markiplier. I wrote this book, not just for some creepy horror story, but also to show the effects of death. You don't just cry a bit when a friend dies then go on with your life, for a long time it will leave you broken, this is what horror films seem to gloss over. This is unfortunately a perfect example of this; Daniel's family will never be the same, Markiplier needs to take time off to deal with his grief and Ryan and Matt feel as if Cyndago can't continue without Daniel. This has caused a massive effect to those who knew and loved Daniel and will not be easily fixed. However, after time, a lot of time, they will learn to move on, but Daniel will never be forgotten.

To anyone who is suffering from a loss, I know it's hard but just hang in there and stay strong, I know how it sounds but I promise you it will get better. Furthermore, if there is anyone suffering with depression or suicidal thoughts or anything even remotely like that, don't suffer in silence; speak out. Talk to family, friends, or anyone you can trust, you have no idea how many people you have made an impact on, or the difference you have made just by being alive. There are hotlines to help you so please know that suicide is NEVER the answer, you are worth so much. Stay strong

Thank you all so much for reading and supporting me, stay safe guys.


RIP Daniel Kyre

Forever in our hearts.

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