Chapter 8

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*Please read A/N at the end*

"He-hello..." An incredibly timid Jenna answered terrified of who could be calling. The terror that was evident in her voice reminded Amy of her neon haired friend. Dead. Rel was dead. All at once the tears painted themselves onto Amy's cheeks yet her voice stayed soft with a firm edge to it.

"Rel...She's gone..."

"No. No please no." Jenna cried wide eyed. Her body began to shake and she clutched her phone tightly with both hands to stop herself dropping it. "Why?! Amy why are our friends dying?!" Jenna screeched into the phone as her brain registered her closest friends dying around her. Vic could easily piece together what was going on and was beside Jenna like a shot, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, his mind not fully registering the other death. Jenna was round Vic's house as she had been comforting him, now however, roles have switched.

Amy stood in the darkness listening to her friend sob down the phone while she cried in silence. The young girl looked around and took note of her surroundings before realising she wasn't that far from Vic's house which was undoubtedly where Jenna was. She told her friend where she was going and confirmed that that was where they both were. She hung up and walked in the suffocating silence. The darkness was heavy and humid. Amy, still with tears falling down her eyes, navigated her way through the bleak streets and towards her friend's house. After a while walking alone in tense silence, Amy stumbled up the steps and knocked on Vic's door. She knew his parents weren't home that night because they had taken his brother, Mike, out for dinner. It was supposed to be a family thing but at the moment, his parents understood it probably wasn't the best of times for it.

Amy patiently waited after knocking. No response. She knocked again. Still nothing. Her heart rate began to increase so she pulled out her phone and tried to dial her friend's number to make sure they were okay. Her fingers froze in terror as she heard a screech and muffled voices yelling. Amy dropped her phone. She froze and her body became paralyzed. "No, no, no, no, please no." She pleaded to anyone who would listen in her thoughts.

Suddenly she snapped out of her paralyzed state and began to violently punch the door. Nothing happened. The raven haired girl kicked and kicked with all her might. Still to no avail. She slammed her shoulder aggressively against the door, flinging herself against the chipped wood in desperation. All at once, the door fell open and took Amy with it. She landed on the splintering wood but had no time to waste. She scrabbled to her feet and ran through the hallway to the living room. There stood a sight she wouldn't forget.

The towering monster that used to be a girl stood holding the emerald haired girl against the wall with a hand around her throat. It's eyes gleamed with evil and wicked pride. Vic was being forced against the opposite wall by an unseen force. The thing's head snapped towards Amy who stood with a look of determination masking her fear. The creature tilted it's grotesque head and blood continued to trickle from the black orbs, it's jaw swung slightly from the single thread attaching it to The Eyeless's face.

"Leave my friends alone." Amy spat harshly at the creature, it did not put Jenna down. The poor girl cowered in it's grip.

"And why should I do that?" It hissed as it's eerie voice echoed in Amy's skull, it's voice and words were bouncing around in Amy's mind. She noticed the stifled pale blue light beginning to glow as she stepped closer. The young girl grabbed the chain and held the glowing pendant towards the hideous monster. It shrieked and dropped Jenna on the floor as it dissolved into smoke. Vic fell from the wall and lay on the ground in shock. The screeching black mass accelerated around the room while Amy pulled Jenna up.

Suddenly, the smoke raced towards and through Jenna. As soon as it touched the girl's skin, Jenna's head violently whipped around so her head was facing backwards. An unearthly cracking noise was all Amy heard before silence. Everything seemed to blur into slow motion. The murderous black smoke disappeared and Jenna's body fell limply to the ground, it fell and landed on its front so the Australian's head was facing her friend, a look of fear, pain and shock forever plastered on her face.

Amy screeched loudly as Vic ran up to her and wrapped his small arms around her waist and dragging her away from the body. The taller girl kicked and scratched and struggled to break free of the smaller boy's grip but Vic held tight, not managing to hold back his sobs. He didn't want to see the body and figured neither did Amy so dragged them away from his best friend's corpse. Amy cried and cried and cried in Vic's arms while he sobbed and choked and coughed. They had to put an end to this. That much they knew. And how would they do it? An exorcist.


So as you can probably tell by the fact that I'm running out of characters to kill off, we are reaching the end of the story. I'm not going to do a massive goodbye speech in this chapter, I'll save that until the last one, but I would like to say thank you for your support and sticking with me so far, it means a lot.

So before I go I would like to ask if any of you would be interested in reading some stories that I want to write. I've been planning these for a bit so I already have a concept for them I just don't know if you guy's would be interested so if you are please tell me in the comments, thanks. The idea's are;

*Music one-shots: I got this idea from another book based around music that focused on a specific fandom/ ship. It's an awesome book and I love the idea so I thought I could write something like that, however I was thinking opening it up to a multitude of fandoms so you guys could suggest ships and songs.

*SuperWhoLock AU: So I've been reading a lot of these recently. Basically if you have no idea what this is it's a mix between Supernatural, Doctor Who and Sherlock, all in one story. These are all TV programs I adore. Also an AU means alternative universe. I have been reading a lot of stories like this about what would happen if they all went to boarding school together and I think it's really cool and entertaining. However I have only read one that is finished so I would like to write and complete one. Also it would star appearances from other fandoms.

*Prequel? So this idea I'm not too sure about. I've been making references to Alex's brother in this book and mentioned he was killed by The Eyeless. I have also mentioned his friend, Jack, is dead. This is all about something that happened in the past and I didn't really want yo focus on so I left it. However, if you are interested I will write a story about what happened to Tom, Jack and others all around Alex

*Jalex: This is my final idea, it came from All Time Low's song Kicking and Screaming on their new album, just a few words caused the beginning and end of a story to form in my head. How I get there will be more difficult however. If you don't know, Jalex is the ship between Alex and Jack from All Time Low.

Once again, thank you so much for reading and please say if you like any of the ideas. Byeee


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