Chapter 6: Mr. Not-so-old

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It was already 12:24pm. I'd been sitting on that stupid step, trying to pass the time, but It was getting really old. I'd drawn a feild of sunflowers, and had already finished the colors. A bunch of stupid happy flowers. And a stupid-er, mad, me. When would this geezer show his fat face? Jerk.

I twidled my thumbs, and thought about asking Marissa for my own garden. Im always wanting to ask her, but if I ask I dont want to get yelled at just for asking. After all, I only get things every once in a while. It took 4 months just for me to get some new freaking underwear. And a girl needs her panties. I had to go comando for a while just becuase of it. Not the best month of my life. 

I took a deep breath, and stod up. 

"I am the King of this place, and you all will do as I say!" I yelled, while dancing, and pulling off my best angry face.

"Francis! Go clean the toilet!" I said.

"Wha-wa-wa-wa-what toilet?" I replied.

"The toilet you dont ever use!" I yelled at myself. 

This was stupid. Im sitting here talking to myself. Ok, I need a cat. Or a friend or something. I dont even go to school. The most I get is a stack of books and a ton of papers to do. Then some teacher friends of Jack's grades them. 

After dancing and talking to myself for a little while, I sat down, and looked at the clock. It said 12:52pm. Why do you mock me clock? Why. I was pissed. This old fat geezer was going to get a good kick in the shin. Not really, but I can still be rud to him. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a real maid come to the right side of me. She wore normal clothes to. I stared strait ahead at the gigantic doors, until she tapped my shoulder.

"Miss Robin? " She said. She was a little bit chubby, with shoulder length black hair. She looked to be about 40, and she had wrinkles on her darker toned face. She was african american, and she had a cool accent.  

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Mr. Gabriel is here. His taxi just pulled up, and he may need help with his lugage. Im leaving now, so theres only another maid, and a chef is coming by to make you dinner. And dont worry, I want you to eat some of it. Your getting to thin sweetie, I wont tell Mr. Cranberry."  She said in a wise, caring tone. She seemed very nice.

"Oh, yes ma'am. And thank you. Really." I said thankfully. 

"Dont you worry your pretty little head, you with your fire red hair. I wish I had a head of hair like that. Take care." she said before politly removing herself. She went to go out the back door. 

She was really cool, and how did she know I didnt usually eat? I was beginning to really like her. I got up, and brushed off my butt. Not that the cleaners let anything get on the stairs. 

I opened the giant door, and walked out. I squinted my eyes against the sun. But after they adjusted, I looked out to see a tall dude, with black hair. I only saw his back, but figured he was just the taxi driver. But looking closer, I saw a taxi driver in the front seat counting his money. The kid who was rummaging in the trunk, pulled out 2 large suitcases, and a duffle bag. He turned around and as soon as I saw his face, I felt myself falling. 


 I opened my eyes. I was in someones arms, and everything was a little fuzzy. Where was I? I felt I was being carried, and whoever is was was strong. I could tell by his solid chest. I felt dizzy, and sick. I snuggled up against him as best I could. He had a soothing scent to him. I also felt some sort of attraction to him...

"Dont worry. I've got you." Said a soft, yet strong voice. 

"What happened?" I asked.

"You passed out when you saw me." He held back a laugh, but at the same time felt sympothy. 

He seemed to be at the middle part of the stairs, and then he stopped before taking the next part. He sat down, with me still huddled up against him. He turned me so that I was sitting on his lap, with my arms wrapped around him. 

It hit me, what the heck was I doing?! I just met this dude! 

"Are you ok Robin?" he said caringly. 

"YES. Abosolutly." I jumped out of his lap. "I am awesome, actually. So, let me take you to your room!" I said joyfully. 

I kept looking down. His face, oh my gosh, his FACE. It was the guy in my dreams! No, it was probably a coincidence. But the curiosity killed the cat, and I looked at him once again. I felt myself swooning, but just as I started to fall, He jumped up, very fast, and caught me. A little to fast...

At what seemed like my last moment before passing out again, I only said one thing. 

"Hello, Mr. Not-so-old." I said. 


How do ya like THAT?! xD A chapter only 2 days after the last. :D Its a little short, so sorry about that.But you did meet Robin's dream guy! Literally!  And I was thinking about planning a schedule for when the chapters come out. And one more thing, lets try to get 800 reads by the 23! :D 

          Love you all! thank you for the support! -catt67

 Be sure to check out, "Being a Baby Vampire."  In my other stories! Its new, so feedback would be awesome!!!!  -Catt67

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