Chapter 10

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**I've been editing chapter 9, so if you haven't read the updated version please do that first! and I'll be updating this chapter, too, but for now I'm publishing it unfinished.**

"It's just off this exit, girls." 

Not once had Duncan called either Natsuki nor Sam by their first names. Sam was starting to wonder if he even remembered them, and if they had been different sexes, what would he call them? Kiddos? 

The car had gone from a steamy sauna to a snowy, smoky tundra by the time they were nearing the restaurant; Duncan cranked the air conditioning up as high as it would go. Sam wished he wore longer pants and a sweatshirt, but once they left the car he was glad to be wearing shorts and a tank top. The humid Florida air actually felt good coming from the cold car. 

Suki immediately stood by Sam's side as he stepped out of the car. She knew, surely, that he could find his own way, but he supposed that she wasn't helping him as much as he was helping her. 

"Just this way, kids," Duncan said from a few feet away. He held the door open for Suki and Sam and walked in after them. 

And thus they entered Chopstick Charley's. Sam immediately smelled air fresheners, strong and potent, but not as powerful as the smell which they were desperately trying to cover. The thickness of the air was abnormal for a restaurant; it smelled more of grime and grease than anything else when it should be smelling like the actual food they cook. He heard a lone fan blowing from the corner and it smelled dusty, even from that far away. 

"There are no windows in this place...." Suki said softly. 

"I'm glad I can't see it," Sam mumbled honestly. Suki told him later all about the scary looking ceiling and its general sketchy appearance, being a bit too dark and poorly furnished. Sam felt as though he could already tell a lot about it just from smelling, though, and from listening and feeling the air. It was dank, dusty, and a bit on the warm side, but not in a good way. Sam could feel the lone fan blowing the warm air around, spreading the smell of grease and burnt food all around the room. From what he could tell by listening, the restaurant was pretty small, maybe half the size of the Akiyama residence or smaller. The kitchen probably made it bigger, but not by much, as far as Sam could tell. Sam was also unnerved by the silence; no TV or even the radio played in the background.  

"How-how many people?" a nervous voice stammered. 

"Three," Duncan replied. 

"Take-out or dining in?" he asked next. He probably should've asked that first. 


"Okay.... Right this way, please." They walked about three feet before the waiter said, "Sit." 

Suki sat Sam down on a thin booth seat, ripped, dusty, and uncomfortable. Suki sat after him and put her hand on his arm. Sam reached over with his other hand and patted it, trying to be comforting. 

"What do you want to eat?" the waiter asked awkwardly. Sam felt rushed, especially because he was not experienced with Chinese food and he couldn't see the menu. 

"Uh... I guess I'll get the egg rolls," Suki said. 

"Yeah, me too," Duncan said. "And the Shrimp Lo Mein, too. Oh, and a coke." 

"Okay. And for you?" Sam could feel everyone staring at him. 

"Um..... I guess I'll have a coke and some rice?" he said with uncertainty. 

"Sure. I'll be back in a minute with your drinks." 

"Wait, I wanted lemonade!" Suki said quickly as he left. He made no indication that he heard her."This place stinks."

Quantum Leap: Blind Date- September 15, 1995Where stories live. Discover now