Authors Note

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Hello! So, this story has been swirling about in my brain for forever and I finally have enough of a idea of the plot to get it started up! Yay! Anyway, so I just need to explain a few things;

1. This story takes place after the events of Brave, HTTYD 1 and ROTG, but before the events of Frozen, Tangled and HTTYD 2. So, Merida has turned her mother into a bear and their relationship has been fixed, Hiccup has introduced dragons to Berk, and Jack is already a Guardian. But Elsa is only 17 ( and Anna 14, though she's not as relevant to the story ) and has not been made queen. Her parents are still alive, also.

2. I've kind of changed Rapunzel's story to better suit the narrative though; she wasn't kidnapped, and grew up with her parents. Gothel did almost kidnap her, but the palace guards managed to stop her. Rapunzel's parents know that her magic hair would be very useful if used for evil, so they keep it a secret. They do this by confining her to the castle, mostly. They're shaken up after almost having lost her. ( the lanterns still take place though, but as a commendation to the guards that saved Rapunzel, instead of being for the lost princess ). And don't think I've forgotten about Eugene! He still shows up, although as to the 'how' I'll leave that as a surprise for the epilogues.

Um, yeah, I think that's all I need to explain. Everything else will be explained in due time through the plot. So, don't forget to vote and even comment if you particularly like something.

I hope you enjoy!


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