"Thanks, Win."

Fifteen minutes later, we were in her car, on our way to Yogurt Island. It would've been ten minutes later, but some guy was chatting it up with her at the register. I think she said the words "my boyfriend, Jared" about ten times to clue in that she was already taken, while he tried to get to know her.

I, on the other hand, was standing off to the side, third wheeling two people who weren't even dating. Was that even possible?

"I'm like, yeah, she's fine. Wonder when she'll be mine. She walk past, I press rewind!" Winter shouts along to the third song that's come on the radio as she turns into a parking space in front of Yogurt Island.

I've become completely immune to her tone deafness, and it doesn't even faze me when she screams along to every song on the radio.

"Should I pick you up after?" Winter asks, reaching over to turn down the radio as I get out of the car.

I shake my head. "No, that's okay. I might just have Sam pick me up or something. Thanks though."

"Gotcha. Bye, Norah."

She waves, then pulls out of the space while I walk into the building.

"Norah! Thank God. You're a blessing. I have to leave right now, so can you man the register?" Cece asks, coming from the backroom.

I nod and give her a warm smile.

She takes her curly, slightly grey, brown hair out of its bun and slips off her apron. She hangs it in the storage room, then comes over to me while I'm putting on my own apron. She kisses my cheek, then hurriedly leaves out the entrance.

I've never actually worked here alone. It'll definitely be very weird.

I keep myself busy cleaning tables, sweeping the floors, and working the register. About an hour into the shift, the three girls that are always here walked in.

Damn, their parents must spend like $60 a week here.

I ring them up politely and watch as they take their seats at their usual table. I clean around the toppings area and walk back into the backroom to throw the towel away.

Just as I'm about to sneak a peek at my phone that's been buzzing off the hook since I'd walked in, I hear a lot of commotion coming from the tables.

Scared that there is some dumbass robber breaking in, in broad daylight, I hurriedly walk out of the backroom and towards the register.

"Holy shit!"

"No, stay calm, stay calm!"

"Oh my god. Is he coming to see that one girl?"

None of them checked to see if I'd walked into the room. I could tell that by "that one girl", they meant me. That also meant that in less than one second, Harry Styles was probably going to walk into this building.

I turn my head to the windows and see a tall, lean figure strolling towards the door. His head is down, looking at his phone. His hair is in a bun and he's wearing a white t-shirt and black skinnies.

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