Chapter 8: Well Shot

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 Hi, I'm Nicole! After we had marched most of the way, we were in the middle of the storm. Felix had offered to carry me on his back, and I had accepted. "Wait." Katherine said. We all stopped. And in the mix of thunder and flashing lightning, I could here low growling. Felix let me down, but I kept close to him, though I might have safer with Katherine, because Felix wasn't exactly Mr. Invincible, as I remembered, it took a griffin and a magical potion to keep him alive.

 Katherine heard the growling stop. That was our cue. "Run!" She told us, and just as we moved, a huge wolf landed where me and Felix were standing. I grabbed his hand as we ran. Felix let me go ahead to Conall and the wielded the best weapon he had, he held a thick stick. As a wolf leaped at his throat, he clubbed it across the face. The stick broke in two and he went after us. "Good shot, sir!" Duncan said. Just then, wolves leaped form every direction, it was like trying to dodge bullets.

 They surrounded us, wolves on every side. What I thought was the leader, a huge black wolf, up to Conall's neck stepped out of shadow, with dark fur blacker than night. Then he talked. The wolf talked. I had seen griffin's talk, so it shouldn't have been a big surprise. "The heirs to the throne of Narnia. Jargardin will reward all of us the best he can once you're dead. But, he'll reward one of us best when that wolf kills the one Jargardin wants the most. The High King of Narnia." He grinned and turned to Conall. "You. The Sons of Adam are who we want, the Daughters of Eve won't put up a fight. I want to see blood on both sides." Conall looked at us. The look in his eyes said everything. Run.

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