Chapter 6: Not A Good Sign

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 Okay, Duncan's letting me narrate now. Conall. Alright, so after I had rushed in, I gained a battle scar. From my forehead to the corner of my mouth. But, Duncan had already told of the part with Felix, so I'll just head to the events after Nicole tried to hug him to death. "Can't... breath." Felix muttered as Nicole hugged him. "Don't... kill me... again." He managed to say.

 "We thought you were dead twice in one day, mate. That's not a good sign." He stared at me. "Well you'll think... I'm dead for a... third time if... she doesn't stop." Felix replied. Nicole finally got off of him. He stood up. "Forget me, what happened to you?" He asked, as someone took notice of the scar. "Well, minotaurs do not seem to like me today. Then it got smashed by a flying tiger." I doubt I'll ever hear that sentence ever again for the rest of my life.

 Then the griffin spoke up. "Forgive me for not identifying myself sooner, I am Volatus." The griffin bowed. "Um, well. There's no need to bow." Felix said. The griffin rose. "Oh, but you are the Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve. The soon to be Kings and Queens of Narnia!" Felix cocked his head. "Kings and Queens? Okay, you have got to have something wrong here. We are not rulers of where ever this is."

"It is Narnia! From the Western Woods to the old ruins of Cair Paravel, is Narnia!"

"Okay then. Is there like some prophecy associated with all this?"

"There is a legend."

"Can I hear it?"

"Certainly! The legend goes that if three sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve defeat the Sorcerer Jargardin, they shall be crowned Kings and Queens of Narnia, and peace will be restored to the land, as long as they reign!"

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