Chapter 4: I'm Expensive

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 I was going to kill all of them. I loved that book. Now they were going to pay. I skidded around the corner just as Felix slammed the door to the room with the wardrobe. I followed the action. When I arrived in the room, Felix was no longer there. He must've hid in the wardrobe. "Ah ha!" I shouted as I threw the doors open. Felix wasn't in the wardrobe. I felt around in case I missed him. Nope, he was definitely not there. The others followed into the room. "He's gone!" I told them. "He came in here, got into the wardrobe, and now he's gone!" I insisted. "Impossible!" Katherine said. "The window's open, he might have gotten out that way." Conall suggested. The window was open, it was possible. I poked my head out the window and paled. It was a forty foot drop from here. If he had gone that way, he would be dead by now.

"What is it?" Nicole asked me. She followed my motion and stared down, then covered her mouth and whispered "Oh no." We both backed away. Conall and Katherine went next. They said nothing, though they both had a sad look in there eyes. Nicole got fired up after that. "It's all your fault!" She screamed at me. I jumped backward, knocking Conall into the wardrobe. There was no movement in the wardrobe. "Come on, get out!" Katherine said. No reply. That was when I leaned into the wardrobe. Nicole was still raging, so I felt a shove and I fell in after Conall. Then I landed on him, in a huge forest, with the clash of metal and yells coming from beyond a hill. "Ow!" Was Conall's first sentence in Narnia. We both scrambled out the way before Nicole came after.

 She landed in the leaves. "Oh come on, couldn't you have made a softer landing?" She asked us as she got up. "Wow! This is amazing! There's a forest in the wardrobe!" Katherine fell in after Nicole moved. "So he's not dead!" Nicole said with a great smile. She hugged me. "Sorry." She apologized. "I'll buy you a new book."


Conall leaned down where footprints had been left in the leaves, heading in the direction of the noise. "He's been here. And he went that way. Toward the battle, the idiot." He concluded. We began to walk, then it turned into a jog, then a run. We were there in a matter of seconds once we passed a lamp post. And came to hill. There we saw a griffin flapping, standing over something or someone. It wasn't trying to fly, it was trying to hold creatures off. Three orcs, a minotaur, and a white tiger. "The Sons of Adam! And Daughters of Eve!" The tiger roared at us. "Master will reward us handsomely for your deaths!" That did not sound good.

 "Split!" Conall shouted, and we all took off in different directions. Nicole headed back into the forest, Conall bolted in the direction of the battle, Katherine to the side. Each orc took one of them, and the minotaur also headed after Conall. I did not have the sense to run. The tiger leaped upon me and huffed in my face. He raised a paw over my head. "Brilliant." He said. "The Prince of Narnia. I wonder how much you're worth. Hopefully, you're expensive. Take that as a compliment. It'll be interesting, to watch your brother die as you do it yourself." He brought his paw down, but the griffin was ready. It flew forward and grabbed the tiger by the scruff with his beak, and flew off to do something with him. Then I realized what he meant. You can watch your brother die as you do it yourself. "Felix!" I shouted as I rushed forward to the figure the griffin was defending.

The Return to Narnia: Back into the WardrobeWhere stories live. Discover now