9. Sleeping Beauty

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Alrighty, so I might not be able to post a chapter this Thursday due to too much homework, family deals, the usual. But! If I can, I'll post. So, it's basically two chapters in one week! c: hope y'all enjoy××

You heard faint whispers and shuffling.

You forced your eyes open, "I fell asleep...?" You muttered to yourself.

You stretched and yawned, rubbing your eye.

"It's so dark outside." You glance at the window. You yawned once more and looked at the bright light illuminating from underneath the door.

Opening the door, the whispers become louder, it's coming from downstairs.

"Cassy-b....althazar?" You stopped in the middle of the staircase, looking at the three boys surrounding your angel friend.

They all shut up and for a split second, glared at you but all faces softened.

"I.. (Y/N), go back to your room, we'll be leaving tomorrow and you'll need your rest." Castiel walked closer to you.

"I just woke up." You pouted.


"Tell me whats going on here, first." You crossed your arms.

"These imbeciles are trying to take you with them! And you're allowing them to! (Y/N), do you see how insane this is!?" Balthazar's eyes widen at you, answering before the boys could.

You shake your head, "I don't see a problem, Balthy. I can still visit you."

"I don't think that's very smart." Dean raised his eyebrow.

"Balthy is my best friend, I'll be damned if I can't at least visit him once in awhile." You glared.

Dean raised his hands in surrender, "Alright, chill. You can visit your bestie. But Balthazar, don't get any funny ideas."

Balthazar nodded and you jumped down to hug him, "I'll most likely be visiting you, but, either way is fine."

You nodded and smiled, then walked over to grab Castiel's hand, "Evenin', Hun."

He glanced at you with a light pink tint on his cheeks, unaware of you giving him nicknames.

You smile and go on your tip toes to kiss his cheek.

"Love birds." Dean fake-scoffs, smirking at you.

"We're not bird-"

"Metaphor, Cas. It's a metaphor." Dean stopped him.

Castiel stared intensely at Dean.


"Oh!" Castiel exclaimed, "I get it."

You shake your head and giggle, "Idiot."


"Don't worry, you're my idiot." You smile. 'Am I moving too fast? I am, actually. I've known these guys for less than a month and I'm already moving in wjth them, and being all lovey dovey with them.. Well, one of them.' You bite your lip, thinking, 'Wait-- Crap is Castiel reading my mind?'

You look at Castiel who seems to be lost in his own world.

'Nah, I don't think so.'

"So, (Y/N)?" Balthazar kicked you out of your train of thought.


"One final hug?"

"Yeah." You hugged him longer than last time, "I'll miss you, Buddy."

Olive You ☆Castiel x Reader☆Where stories live. Discover now