The art of starting over

Start from the beginning

Stefan drops me off, and I quickly make my way to me and Bonnies dorm. I haven't seen Bonnie a lot lately, i've been to caught up in my life with Stefan, but seeing her sitting on her bed when I open the door makes me realise how much i've missed her. 

"Bonnie" I burst out and make my way to hug her.

"God i've missed you" She says and hugs me tighter, "i've missed you too" I answer

"How's Stefan?" she asks with a smirk on her face.

"Nothing has happened, really" i say and tries to hide my blushy cheeks.

"Really?" she says teasingly

"You definitely have been single for far too long" I tease back. 

"Need help finding a boy?" I add.

"Well actually i'm fine" she says and a big smile appears on her faces.

"How's Damon?" i ask, making her smile slowly fade.

"He's dealing" she says and doesn't look to pleased about it.

"Loosing Elena really hurt him, i don't think he knows who he is without her" she adds.

"understandable" i say and starts picking out some cloth.

"I mean he did loose his best friend" i say and picks out a black pair of skinny jeans. 

"So did we" Bonnie says and I can see the hurt in her eyes.

I walk back to her and sit down on the bed. 

"We're gonna be alright" I say and pull her into a hug.

Loosing Elena has been hard for me, but it must be so much harder for Bonnie, knowing she's never going to see her best friend again, I just want the best for her, I love her.

"Yeah" she answers and wipes a way the tear that just fell from her eye. 

I quickly find a shirt, pack my books and along with Bonnie makes out way to Class.

It feels nice to actually attend college classes, to feel like a normal teenager.

As a vampire, i know i have plenty of time to experience being a teen, it's not like i'm going to age and look older, but i only have this one time to experience it all with my best friend. and in the middle of all this mess, i'm so thankful she's here.

We don't talk about Elena a lot, i guess we both just want to move forward. It still hurts, but pain is supposed to make you stronger, right?

Math was boring as always, i never understood the importance of knowing how to find x, for what i'll use math for, a calculator will be just fine. 

Stefans POV:

Getting out of town seemed like a perfect idea. Not that i had mentioned it to Caroline, but i would really like for us to get on out own little "get away". How she will react is another story, since she's normally the one planning everything, but i want this to be a surprise. She's trying so hard, to get her normal life back, but i know that if she could, she would pack up and start over somewhere else, that's her decision to make, but right now Paris seems like a perfect substitute.

I walk downstairs, as i realise Damon has company. Girls. everywhere. Most likely compelled and completely unaware what is going on. "What is it exactly you are doing?" I say as I enter the living room. "Dealing" he responds, raising a bottle of bourbon to his mouth, letting the liquid run past his lips. He is clearly drunk. "Just don't kill them, okay?" i say and sighs. I don't want to label him as a lost cause, but i am afraid he is. At least for the next seventy years. As i walk out in the hall way, the front door swings open and Bonnie enters. "i got it" she says and smiles at me. "Thank you" i say and return the warmhearted smile. Bonnie has been the only one to actually keep Damon some kind of grounded, he cares for her. They are good together.

I leave the house to make my way to Whitmore college, so i can see Caroline. Even though i saw her this morning, i feel a lot better knowing she's with me and that she's safe, and not to mention she has this thing about her that warms every inch of my cold skinned body.

Her dorm room is empty, so I decide to wait around for her to get back. It's clear that she likes her things organised, nothing is out of place and there's no pile of dirty clothes on the floor. I smile to myself about her small little weird tendencies, she's one of a kind. 

I hear voices outside the door, it sounds like she brought a guest, a guy. 

"Yeah, i'll just grab the book, just a second" She says and opens the door.

I sit on the bed and once i catch here eye, she looks at me with confusion written all over her face as she  just realised that the  room isn't empty.

"Hey" she says rather surprised, and the kiss I was expecting has to wait, as she makes her way to the bookcase, grabbing the book I figure the guy standing in the doorframe came to borrow.

"Jasper, this is Stefan" She says as she makes her way to me.

"My boyfriend" she then adds, making me feel secure.

Why am I this insecure around her, god damn it!

"And Stefan, this is Jasper" she continues.

"Hi" I say, raising my hand as a little gesture.

I wasn't too cold, was I? 

"Here you go" She says and hands him the book.

"Thank you" he says and steps back out into the hallway. 

"See you in class" he finishes and closes the door as he leaves.

"What was that about?" She says with a laugh and turns her attention to me.

"Well, i'd just like my girlfriend to be completely mine" I say as I get on my feet and walks up to her.

"I am completely yours" She says and wraps her hands around my neck, pulling me into a kiss.

"I have something to tell you" I say, and hope for the best.

please just say yes i think to myself as I lean in for another kiss.

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