New directions

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Our fingers interlocked as our backs rested against a giant bumpy stone not far from our latest makeup spot. I liked this and it's been far to long since i last have been able to say that i actually enjoy'd something, he's enjoyable. 

We just sat there, no words passed the tip of either of our lips and the silence filled the forest, not that i did mind, it felt nice.

We didn't need to talk to feel comfortable around each other and when you can say that about another person, you should know you've found someone special. 

The feeling of our fingers being interlocked made my skin shiver and my heart pound, he really had taken his tools on me, he made me work real hard to keep myself together, which is odd because i've been so used to be perfectly intact with myself and then he comes along and throws away everything i thought i new about myself.

I'm tired of questioning everything and to be honest i just want to sit here right now. with him. Be with him and forget that there's an actual world out there, that we at some point when our hearts decides it's time, will go out an explore. together. 

"Babe?" He said and I really hoped he wasn't about to ruin this perfect moment, in this beautiful forest, where we actually is alone and together.

"Yeah?" I said and looked up at him, his eyes bright and his hair a mess. 

"I'm very happy to be here. With you. Right now" He said and the butterfly's that had slowly been building up in my stomach went totally crazy. My heart race fastest and i could feel the goose bumps creeping on my arms. 

I didn't answer, i didn't have an answer that wouldn't make me sound like an complete idiot, a little teenage girl that finally received a smile from her crush. Nope, that was past tench Caroline.

Instead i let my fingers slide out, but only to get something to satisfy me even more, I was now sitting in front of him on me knees and leaned in to kiss him, his one arm around my neck and the other around my waist pulling me closer. I new make out spot was added to our list.

I thought i was over making lists, mainly just because Stefan messed me up so much that i couldn't keep track of anything. But surprissingly i was not.


Stefans POV:

I brought her home with me, just because neither of us wanted to let go of each other, i've been missing her so much and now when i'm finally able to hold her again, i will not let that go. I will not let her go.

In this very moment she was laying on the couch waiting for me to cook some dinner, she looked exhausted, but i was to. Our make out had been pretty intense, not that i was complaining at all.

I loved the sight of her laying on my couch and me cooking her dinner, i liked the fact that she was here, just here.

I went back to the kitchen and started cooking dinner, if there's one thing i have learned in all these years of living, it was to cook and when i'm cooking for someone i love, things just gets better.

Dinner was ready, but she was past out on the couch and i couldn't get myself to wake her up, she looked so peaceful, something i hadn't seen since she found out her mother had cancer and i liked her looking like that, she looked happy and all i want for her, is for her to be happy.

She was like an arrow pointing me in the right direction, a direction that seemed to be leading us closer together. 

"Caroline, babe" I said softly almost whispering.

"Dinner is ready" was the next words that sliped my lips.

My hand was rubbing her back, trying to get her to wake up.

"Okay" she said, with a touch of sleepiness in her voice and popped a smile at me. 

A few moments later she met me in the living room, as vampires we don't really eat normal food, but all i want for us is to be somewhere near a normal couple and if cooking dinner for her, will make me feel that way, i'd gladly do it. 

Caroline didn't seem to care that we were eating real food, but haven't been a vampire for that long either so her favourite meal may have gone down a place since blood came on the menu, but i'm pretty sure she still enjoys eating normal foods. 

"How's Damon? Without Elena i mean" She suddenly asked out of the blue, i didn't blame her for being curious, since we haven't been talking for a while.

"It helps that he knows that he'll see her again" I said, that's all i've been able to get out of him.

"He's very quite though and not very Damon like, he's different now" I told her.

She didn't say a word, i think she was still processing the world without Elena, i was too. 

She lost her best friend and mother in a very short amount of time and that must be hard to take in, but she impresses me everyday. She's been handling it well, well since her humanity came back. 

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