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i shifted in my seat uncomfortably. it was getting a tad bit warm in here and i wanted to get out.

i knew one day luke would ask that question but i never came up with a relevant lie for it. i didn't want to tell anyone about it, much less luke. it would ruin everything, my friendship with him. it was a secret that i didn't want out.

i look down at my hand, " look luke, it's hard to explain. i don't want to get you involved and i don't want to hurt you." i said," if you want to be friends with me you can't know the truth."

i half expected luke to get angry but instead, he nodded understandingly. " it's okay, everybody's got secrets to hide. i don't blame you. but i hope one day you'll trust me enough."

i smiled. maybe after all i can have a friend who can truly understand me.

after our dinner, we went to luke's house to watch a movie. he chose a movie called 'white chicks'. i wasn't big on comedies and wanted an action film but luke insisted on his choice so i went along. he said that it would be hilarious and it was one of his favorite movies. also, did i mention that his favorite show was mean girls? he had accidentally let it slip and i decided to ignore it. a man had to preserve his man pride.

to his credit, 'white chicks' was a horribly comical and entertaining flick and i couldn't count all my fingers how many times both of us laughed out loud. unconsciously, i knew i liked being with luke.

after the movie ended, i just laid my head on his shoulder. it was twelve midnight and i shouldn't have stayed up so late. i needed to go home but i didn't want to, with luke being my human bolster, i felt everything was ten times better in the world.

i fell asleep just like that, faster than i had than sleeping alone.


i groaned as a loud noise woke my up from the couch. it was luke, who had fallen off and landed on the coffee table with a loud thud. he was still fast asleep though, the slow rise and fall of his chest implied so.

it was the second time i had stayed over in his house. i would never admit it out loud but i was glad that i did once again.

i sat up properly, gazing at luke who was curled up on the coffee table peacefully. he was soundless and peaceful, and the worry lines on his forehead and his straining muscles disappeared. i felt the sudden urge to kiss him. and then i chatised myself for that.

luke is just a friend. a friend that i just met. he won't want to kiss me. nor do i want to kiss him.

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