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a few weeks had passed and i thought everything could finally be normal.

oh, how wrong was i.

the call came at exactly 1.05am. i woke up from my slumber and groaned at the disturbance. i tried to ignore my phone but its persistent ringing made me snap and get up to retrieve it. thank god luke was a heavy sleeper, snoring away on a pile of sheets. he was kind enough to let me sleep on his bed and take the floor instead.

the caller ID was blocked but in my grogginess, i answered it. "hello?"

"good morning anna." a chilling voice echoed through the phone. chilling and familiar. my heart raced and my sleepiness wore off in an instant.

"i'm sorry, you got the wrong anna." I attempted to hang up but the voice clucked his tongue, "nah, don't do that little girl, or your boy will die. i have a sniper aiming at him from the building beside yours."

i attempted my best to not make my voice waver. "what do you want, erik?"

the voice laughed manically, "enough with the games, i believe you know that, dear anna."

"and why would i do what you say?"

"i believe that you would do anything to save the boy you love," i could hear his bitter voice through the phone, "and i know that the mafia are after you and that you've been hiding from them. i can tell them to stop coming after you, you know i can."

the mafia. they were the ones who had been chasing me, the same ones whom luke saved me from.

"why?" i managed to say.

"oh, darling. i don't think you know how important you are to me. how much i want you. how incredible you and i would be together. our powers combined, we would be an invincible force  don't waste time— it's precious. i'll give you exactly three days from now. the same place. finally, i can't wait for our reunion, anna." he hung up right after that.

that was precisely what i had been trying to avoid. to run away from. not the mafia. not the gansters. not the people i offended. it was erik. and i think i always knew somewhere deep inside, that he would find me.

he always did.

rogue ⇒ l.hNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ