Chapter 31. (Final Chapter)

Start from the beginning

Harry shrugs again, pouting his lips. "I mean, he is like, one of my best friends. I talk to him a lot about, y'know...stuff."

Louis cringes at the thought of Harry confiding in Jeff, in anyone really, about his feelings for Louis. Cringes at the thought of Harry spilling his heart out to someone, maybe crying on their shoulder because he thought Louis didn't feel the same way.

Louis tugs Harry in a little closer, pressing a soft kiss against his shoulder. "We should do something together. Maybe I could come with you one time when you hang out with your friends? Like Jeff and Xander and Nadine, that lot."

Harry nods, "Yeah, definitely. That'd be nice."

"Am I cool enough to be part of your LA crew though?" Louis teases, poking Harry's dimple.

"Hm, I dunno about that. We are pretty cool." Harry grins back at him.

Louis giggles, slipping a hand at the back of Harry's neck and pulling him in for a kiss. His lips feel cold and taste sweet like ice cream and Louis has to remind himself to move his mouth against Harry's, so lost in the feeling of it.

When they break away, Harry's smiling so bright back at him that Louis has to turn his eyes away for a second, the glare almost blinding. "You're a really good kisser." Harry whispers, pressing the pad of his thumb into Louis' bottom lip. "I always sort of thought you would be."

Louis just responds by connecting their mouths again, sliding their lips past each other slow and sickly sweet. There's just something about kissing Harry, it's like everything else in the world stops and all that's real is Harry's soft mouth brushing against his.

"Now you're just showing off." Harry mumbles against Louis' lips as they move apart.

Louis smirks and tweaks Harry's nipple, "You're not so bad yourself."

Harry grins, dropping his head to lean against Louis' shoulder. Louis tilts his head, rests it against Harry's, ignoring the stray strands of hair that tickle his eyes and nose. "Haz?" Louis asks, rubbing a circle against Harry's hip.


"Tell me a story."

Harry snorts, "What kind of story?"

Louis hums, bringing his hand up to brush Harry's hair out of his face, letting his fingers catch on the flushed red of his cheek. "Something about you. Something you didn't get to tell me before. Anything."

He watches the corners of Harry's mouth twitch up into a smile as he replies. "I'm not very good at stories, I'm quite boring."

Louis furrows his eyebrows together, stroking along Harry's arm. "I think you're the most interesting person I know." And he means that, he really does.

Harry sucks in a heavy breath, his eyes crinkled in the corners as he looks at Louis. "Okay, no pressure."

Louis rolls his eyes, kissing Harry's cheek lightly. "I just hate feeling like there was a time when I didn't know you. Like, you were right there weren't."

Harry blinks slowly, moving his hand to interlock it with Louis'. "I know, but that's over now. I'm here now, I'm with you."

Louis feels the back of his throat burn, has to clear his throat before he can speak again. He nods, slow and then fast. "God, I-I'm so glad." Glad, glad doesn't cut it. Glad doesn't even begin to cover the relief and comfort and just sheer happiness he feels to have Harry the way that he has him now.

Harry squeezes his fingers, holding on tight. "What if I tell you a story about something that hasn't happened yet?"

Louis raises his eyebrows, "Gonna get the crystal ball out are ya? Are you secretly a wizard?" Louis brushes Harry's hair off his forehead, "Where's your lightning bolt scar Harry?" Harry splutters, squirming as Louis plants a trail of wet kisses over his forehead and none existent magical scar.

Untangle Me - L.S (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now