When the door was being opened by one of the girls, they both walked in gracefully. William turned his head around and noticed that not Louis walked in, but two girls who were entirely dressed up for the masked ball. It was evident that William was not mad about the surprise visit. His features changed; perfectly entertained.

"What a lovely surprise," William said smoothly, and he adjusted his bowtie. "Are you both lost?"

"Not at all, sir," One of the girls aforementioned. "We came across a great friend of ours, Jack Gabriels."

"Oh, he was just here sharing a drink with me," William mentioned, and I mentally high-fived Louis who hadn't told his real name but pretended to be someone else. Personally, I had no idea how he even came up with the name Jack Gabriel. It sounded believable though.

"He gestured us to wait for a bit here, if you do not mind?"

"No, not at all. Take a seat, perhaps a drink, and tell me more about you both." William encouraged them. Their faked smiled showed him they were going to accept his offer with ease.

I pressed on the button to be in contact with Louis, a smile crept onto my face. "Jack Gabriel, right?"

"Shut your freaking mouth, Styles." Louis threatened.

"Did you make up this name?'' I wondered.

"I just reminded my latest patient who didn't brush his teeth very well, so I used his name." A soft whimper was heard from Louis' mouth. "I don't want to talk about him, his smell gives me nightmares."

"I'll avoid the subject then," I announced kindly. "The girls are both inside the booth and William is chatting with them. When are we going to send Carmen up to the booth? I don't want to be too quick but also not too late. You get my problem?"

"Pff, it's going to be a task. But, eventually, we will manage. I think I am going to search for Vicks quickly and tell her she needs to instructs the actress she needs to chat with Carmen."

"Brilliant," I mentioned. "Contact me when you have spoken to Vicks." Louis agreed to do so, but before he broke the contact between us I called out for him. "Louis?" He hummed a soft yes and made me continue with what I wanted to say. "Tell Vicky she is looking wonderful and I cannot wait to see her."

"Do I also need to tell her she causes you a big one?"

I groaned out of annoyance. "Just go."

"Gladly." Louis said mockingly, and he went on with what he had to do.

While I was talking to the people who were involved in this whole process, William was insanely busy with flirting to the women. Louis, now and then, signed me that everything was going perfectly fine.

As I looked at the camera's, the thoughts of my past roamed through my mind. I reminded myself that I had been William before I met Vicky. I was sitting in that booth with women, trying to get much pleasure out of it.

While I thought of those days, I felt disgusted. I couldn't comprehend the idea I could do such thing to people. I never wanted to be used, yet I made sure those girls felt like it.

I pinched the bridge of my nose out of utter frustration. I could only tell myself that I was lucky enough to have met someone so wonderful as Vicky. Even though we are both terribly flawed, we managed to change one another into a better person. But she changed me the most, and I needed to change drastically. People labelled me as a gentleman in my younger years, what does not make sense. Compared to nowadays, I act more like a proper man than I've done earlier.

Lush Corruption  | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 2  ✓Where stories live. Discover now