What's Changed?

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*Ross's POV*     

We all watch in horror as Eliunia is sucked into the portal screaming profanities. The floors close again, Amelia is lowered from the two inches off the ground that the rope allowed. She lies still and stiff as a board. "I-Is she, did it, did it work?" stutters Del.

"Yeah it worked alright, question is, if she lived through it, 1-10 people actually live through exorcisms you know," points out Ryland. I kneel beside her, her hearts still beating, strongly to.

I shake her, "Melia," I call out quietly. She groans and turns her head.

"Did it work? Is Eliunia finally gone?" she coughs a little as she talks.   

"Yeah baby, Eliunia is gone, for good," I pet her hair and we both break out in grins.   

"Thank god," she giggles. Everyone chuckles, "owie," she holds her head.

"What's wrong?," I pet her head again.

"After effects of the banishing, she's going to have head pains, just give her Advil," Ryland shrugs.

"Ok, but you don't have to be such a dick about it," I snap. He just holds his hands up in defense and leaves.

"I can't hold back anymore, Melia your back," squeals Rydel. She pulls her into what looks like a strangle, bone-crushing hug.

"I'm back, I'm back, but I won't be for long if you won't let go," she gasps.

Rydel quickly let's go, "sorry! I'm just so excited!" she gushes. I roll my eyes, Melia winces and holds her head.

"Can I get out of this room first before we talk about everything, and maybe get some Advil to," she smiles weakly.

"Sure thing babe," I kiss her head and super speed her to her actual room.

She stares at me in utter suprise, "uh what?" I chuckle.


*Amelia's POV*

Why is he doing this? I mean, he's kissing my forehead and calling me baby or babe. I mean, what changed? Where's Henry? What's happened those 4 days and 11 hours I've been locked in my 'cell.' "Why are you acting so strange, I mean, your treating me like I'm your girlfriend," I blush.

"Well, its because it just feels right, I can't help my self, because, I'm," he stops himself.

"You're?," I raise an eyebrow, that kind of hurt.

"I'm, I'm in love with you," he looks at me with those big brown eyes of his.

"You're in," I can't even say the words, he can't be. When we first met he didn't even like me. Then one day he acted like we were best friends. Now, he says that he's. Do I even feel the same way? I mean, yeah, he's always been there when I needed someone or helps the most. And yeah, he's funny, smart, all out amazing, and is staring at me like I'm the most frustrating thing in the world right now. What the hell?

"Why can't I read your mind?" he says.

"Huh, wait don't tell me reading minds is a vampire thing?," I sigh.

"Well it is for me, I'll explain later, anyways, somethings wrong, I use to be able to read your mind before, now it's all blank like someone put a wall up to block your mind out," he explains furrowing his eyebrows.

"Ok, so Advil?" Rydel appears with a pill bottle and a cup.

"Sorry, Ellington was trying to get me to celebrate, and the boys are playing video games and ignoring the world," she smiles. I made an 'o' shape with my mouth when she says celebrate. I quickly take the pill, she hugs me and leaves.

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