Ryland who? Where's Ross?

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*Amelia's POV*

The door gets busted open. "Ryland!," cheers everyone. Ryland? Ryland who? She turns her head menacingly towards him, baring her sharp pointed teeth.

"Demon hunter," she spits. Demon hunter?

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Eliunia," chuckles the mysterious person. He looks so strange, to me anyways, he looks nothing like the others. He has, curly brown hair cut short sweeping upwards, he also has brown eyes, his stature is menacing towards her, or Eliunia, I guess that is her name. Weapons are surrounding him and he's wearing black clothes. A criss-cross strappy thing is across his chest with different bullets in it. There are a rifle and crossbow across his back, his eyes sparkle with danger and excitement. His smile shows nothing, but cruelness towards the creature in front of me. Overall, he's handsome, yet very frightening.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, scaring little girls again are we, I expected better from you," he chuckles.

"No you didn't," she snarls. "I can't believe it, my one mission and you have to show up, what is with this girl," she growls. She turns to me and swipes her nails across my other untouched cheek. I yelp in pain, more blood fills my mouth. The next thing I know there's a clicking sound and Ryland has his rifle pointed at Eliunia's head. "No, I wouldn't do that," she disappears into my body. I scream in pain as she takes over. I feel myself lose all control, I can't talk, I can't move, my consciousness is stuck and it can't move, all I can do now is watch in horror at the scene in front of me. "Shoot Ryland, I've heard rumors you've shot people because demons have entered them, killed them, why don't you do the same to me?" she cackles. 

"Ryland no! Amelia is family!" bellows Henry. He keeps his aim on my head, I want to cower in fear, is my fate sealed now? Will he shoot?

"Come on Ryland you can finally get rid of me," she grins.

"No! Please, Ryland!," shouts all of them. I see him reach behind his back, it's a glass bottle filled with red liquid.

"If you think that will get me out of her it won't," Eliunia cackles.

"I know, but it isn't meant for that," he shows off his snow white teeth. Right as he goes to throw the bottle he yells, "no one breathes in!" it smashes against my carpet. A red smoke fills the room, I get knocked out in an instant.


*Rosses POV*

It's been five days since I left home. Five agonizingly slow days. I've been here with my friends Raini, Calum, Noah, and Laura in the state of California. Their all different species.

Laura is a vampire like me, her ability is to sense other abilities and creatures. Raini is a water pixie, no pixies are not, tiny little bug-like things, they do have wings though, Raini's are beautiful. Calum is, ugh, still can't stop laughing. Calum is an elf, and no, not like Santa's elves. Calum is a woodland elf, they're tall. They mainly mess with people and take care of mother nature. Their ears are pointed though, and they all have gold eyes. Oh, and Calum is a runaway prince woodland elf, but that's his story to tell. Noah is a werewolf, yep, I'm best friends with a werewolf. It may be against vampire law, but whatever. These guys are a strange clan, but who cares. They're my friends. "Ross gets off the couch," huffs Raini.

"Why?," I whine.

"Because you and Laura are going human hunting," she gets into my face. "You didn't forget did you?" 

Crap I totally did! I sit up quickly when a sudden pang enters my chest. "Ouch!," I hold my chest. Wow, this hurts a lot, it feels like a million bullets are going through my chest.

"Quit faking it," Raini rolls her eyes and Laura enters the room.

"I'm not," I can't even finish my sentence the pain is becoming so unbearable.

"He's not faking it, Raini," gasps Laura rushing to my side. Raini does to and calls for the boys. My unbeating heart feels as if it's going a million miles per hour, which is impossible, my cheeks sting as though bees are repeatedly hitting them.

"It's his mate, being away from her, it puts a strain on the body, whatever pain she feels he feels," Laura explains.

"So by my guess, Amelia also has gashes on her cheek," says Noah. My eyes are closed tight thanks to the pain. My Melia is going through this, I need to get back to her!

"I need, to go help, her," I grunt.

"No Ross, you can't, remember you made us promise that we have to make your stay no matter what, it'll be safer for her," says Laura.

She stands up towering over me, "You are not leaving, I forbid it, you're part of our clan now Ross Lynch," she leaves in a flash. Everyone's mouths gape open except mine, I'm still in pain.

"We can't go against Laura," whispers Noah sadly. Their right, they can't, she's clan leader, like Henrey was mine. I guess, this means I'm part of Laura's clan now. They all leave and I scream out calling Melia's name.

*Laura's POV*

As I finish off my human, I grin at my actions from earlier. I forced Ross to become a part of my clan. He's all mine now, no more Amelia. I know I may not be his real blood mate, but I don't care, he's mine all mine. Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine. I run home in hopes the screaming is over, it thankfully is. Now's he's on the couch, head in hands, mourning the lost membership of his other clan. "Hey Ross," I sit down next to him happily.

"I can't believe you, Laura," he growls.

"I'm sorry Ross it was for Amelia's safety, and you know that," I sigh.

"You're..... right," he lays down his head in my lap and falls asleep. It's rare to see blood mates, usually, vampires have to wait and find the person, unless you have Ellington's ability. I still can't believe Ross's is that pitiful humans mate. I mean seriously, gross, humans are food, not lovers.

"I know why you did that," declares Calum walking into the room.

"Oh, do you now princey," I giggle at his nickname.

"Yeah, and we won't let you keep Ross from Amelia, they can't stay apart forever Laura," he crosses his arms.

I let out a fake sigh, "I guess you're right, after all," I put my head down in "defeat."

"Good, I am right I always am," he walks away with his princely ego and I only chuckle. Yeah, they can't stay apart forever, unless she's dead, then they have to.


Two updates in one day!

Whoop whoop!

Let me have a high five!





Jk! :-)

Btw, Noah is Dallas from A&A.

What do you think so far?

Yeah? Neigh? *I made a funny*


*I made another funny*

But seriously though what do y'all think?

See ya's

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