Angels Blood

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*Rikers POV*

Rocky, Ryland, and I are all walking down some abandoned dirt road in the middle of the woods. We already said some byes this morning to everyone, even Amelia\Eliunia. It kind of sucked when Rocky went to open the door and we saw some of the insides of that room. Long scratches are along the walls and floor. Words are written in Melia's blood on the wall. They were in Latin so I don't know what they said. Amelia was curled up in the corner laughing like a maniac, when she started to dig her nails in the floorboard and crawl towards us we shut the door. "Riker!," Ryland snaps me out of my thoughts.    

"Yeah?," I looked at his outstretched hand, it has a pistol and knife.

"What are those for, I'm a vampire," I give him a duh voice, Rocky rolls his eyes.

"You can't kill an angel Riker, with your hands anyway, their purity would be too much and kill you or paralyze you for years, so those are weapons, the pistol has special bullets in it called Angeli mortem, which means angels death, use these," he walks ahead of us.

"So where are we going?," I sigh walking over to Rocky.

"Some church, Ryland said he's going to try and get an angel guard out off the grounds so we can get em since you know, we can't go in a church or else we die," he chuckles.

"Right, so how are we gonna get the guard out, I thought they only leave for certain things," I question.

"You don't wanna know," we continue to speed ahead to the church.


"Here we are," were standing in front of an old abandoned church in the middle of the forest. Vines and moss are crawling up the gray bricks on each wall. White siding is hanging onto dear life on some of the walls. The steeple is high in the sky with a cross on it. The double french doors are broken and cracked, the stained glass windows looked untouched though.

"Why would guard angels be in this dump?" asks Rocky.

"They always are Rocky, whether the church is abandoned or not, as long as it holy land, those saints walk on it," spits Ryland, meaning he literally spits on the ground.

"Why have you come?" questions a threatening female voice. A girl appears she's gorgeous. Long dark hair is flowing in light curls down her back. Her skin looks smooth and soft. Her eyes are welcoming, her smile is enticing. She's wearing a white dress that goes down to her ankles, there's a gold belt around it. She has no shoes, but large beautiful white wings.

"We came to negotiate," smirks Ryland.

"Negotiate? For what?" she slits her eyelids. Her voice is soft and musical. Rocky disappears and comes back with a little human girl, she's afraid, very afraid.

"Let me go," she whimpers.

The angels eyes widen, "what are you going to do with her?!," she asks angrily.

"This," Ryland loads a gun and points it at the child.

"Ryland what are you doing!," I boom. He looks at me and mouths, "these can't hurt humans." I stay tense in case it gives her the sense that she will be alright.

"I want my mommy!" the small girl cries out. Rocky whispers something in her ear, she continues to struggle, but now is quiet.

"Demon Hunter what is it you wish," says the angel quickly. Ryland smirks and pulls the gun away. "A syringe of your blood, we need it to get rid of a demon," he puts the gun in his back pocket.

"I refuse, Angel blood is very powerful, and cannot be wielded by a simple Demon hunter," she steps forward almost off the church grounds.

"Have it your way," he gets his gun out and shoots. The little girl just freezes. The angel has a mixture of anger and frustration clear on her face. She flys off the church grounds letting out a battle cry. Rocky puts the little girl in a tree as she attacks Ryland.

"Riker shoot her, Rocky watch the girl," he grunts. He's fighting the angel hand to hand. I pull out my gun and go to aim, but I can't find myself to pull the trigger. She's far too beautiful, and if she's an angel, that means God wanted to preserve her soul for a reason. She knocks Ryland out and turns to face me.

"You can't-do it can you?" she grins evilly.

"No," I admit putting the gun down.

"That's what I thought, now give me the child," she puts her hand out.

"Give us the blood," I narrow my eyes.

"No, why do you need it so bad!" she throws her arms up frustrated.

"To get rid of a demon named Eliunia out of my human sister, we're afraid that she'll die if we don't," I look her straight in the eye.

"So you only want it for an exorcism correct?" she raises an eyebrow.

"Yes," I nod my head in confirmation.

"Very well, hand me the needle," I look at her surprised. I dig out one of the empty syringes from the backpack I have on and hand it to her. She stabs her self with it and fills it. She hands it back.

"The child please," she crosses her arms.

"Right, Rocky!," he jumps down a tree with the little girl in hand.

"Here ya go," he throws the sleeping child at her. He must have made the small girl fall asleep.

She catches her "Thank you, good day boys," she flys away.

Ryland shoots up, "you get it?" he raises an eyebrow.

"We're you faking being knocked out?," I question with a grin.

"Yes, I was, but that's not the point, did you get the blood?" he asks again.

"Yes Ryland, we got the blood," huffs Rocky.

"Alright, that means its onto the next item, a demon's horn," he grins.

"Ok, where do we have to go to find one?" Rocky asks.

"Usually they're mainly at a club called Deathly Deeds, so we'll start there," he walks ahead of us again and we silently follow.


I know this chapter probably sucked.

And I'm sorry,

This one was just a filler chapter basically,



Bye guys :-)

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