Chapter 4

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Sasuke's POV:

How am I going to tell her? How am I going to tell her that I've been told to be with another girl, not with the girl I secretly love?!

If someone could just explain to me how I can tell her this, please go right on ahead...

You either break the news gently to her, or you... never mind, option one is best.

A lone tear escapes my eye as I push the punishing thoughts away in a deep dark corner of my gloomy mind.

To my surprise, my sleek silver phone rings and plays the song 'Stitches' by Shawn Mendes and my eyes widen to the thought of who's ring-tone I set that as...

Sakura... fuck.

Sakura, hey? Nice timing, now pick up and talk to her dumbass.

Shakily, my hand grips the phone and I gently press the small green button. Slowly I place the phone beside my ear and hear silence on the other line.

My mouth moves to question whether or not she is there, but I am interrupted by a soft, ."Sasuke-kun...  arigatō..."

My mouth goes dry and I'm standing there in stunned silence even after the line goes flat.

Sakura's POV:

The agitation is starting to get to me. I've start to claw at my palms, and bite my nails, with one single mantra in my head.

Call him. Tell him. Now.

The words would repeat, over and over again.

Call him. Tell him. Now.

Call him. Tell him. Now.


Finally, I can't take the screaming anymore, so pushing myself up on my sore, irritated ankles, I scramble around in the dark room, throwing papers to the floor, looking for the small IPhone- that I could barely afford to pay off.

My expression changes quite dramatically when I realise that, my phone has been in my pocket this whole time. The moment goes from agitation to fml.

You are an absolute idiot.

Once again, I roll my eyes at the fuming, extremely irritating voice in my head and I mentally hold up the finger.

Scrolling to find Sasuke's contact number on my phone, I tap it with a shaking hand. My hands clasp the cold metal, and I bring the phone to my ear.

It takes a while before he picks up, but the line stutters as the call is accepted.

My heart stops for a split second as I'm greeted with-


Sometimes, I take silence as a blessing but unfortunately, this isn't one of those moments. Should I talk now? What do I do?!

I open my mouth, feeling my dry, chapped lips move.

"Sasuke-kun... arigatō..." I whisper, though it was as quiet as if I breathed it.

Hearing complete silence from the other line, I press the red 'hang up' button, and fall back into my bed, closing my eyes, wishing I had said more.

The next day Sakura's POV:

Remember that camera I found? Well today I've decided to finalise my purchase.

Lazily, I pick up my phone from off my dresser and stare at the sparkling background of cherry blossoms.

I swipe and punch in my code. Immediately I am taken to the eBay app, wary of what I'm clicking and searching for my camera. Sighing, I click on the last page on the site, hoping that it's the camera I wanted.

"Yes!" I shout in excitement, finding exactly what I was looking for.

I click purchase but something happens.

A message appears on the screen saying " this item can not be purchased due to 'silentshadow101' placing a bid"

The message begins to burn into my mind.

"Someone .fucking. Wants. My . Camera ." I sneered.

I competitively bid higher then him , but he keeps on going. This continues for a long lonnng hour until ,I relies that I am way to far ,money wise.

You really are pathetic.

I let him win the camera if my dreams.
With this ,I log out if eBay and plug my phone into its lighting charger.

"I give up, I guess I'll just ask for one on my birthday and spend this money on some manga..."

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