one// lily

368 39 7

Lily, this is good for you. You need this. It'll be okay.

No matter how many times Lily repeated those words in her head, she knew she wouldn't be okay.

Lily's new "support group" sat in a circle of chairs in an old classroom. Lily scanned the circle, gazing at each person momentarily before moving onto the next.

There were seven of them, three boys and four girls. They all looked either bored out of our minds or absolutely terrified. No one seemed to be doing anything.

Lily looked down and tugged on the sleeve of her sweater. Her stomach grumbled, but she had learned to ignore it. She would order a pizza later.

The time on her watch said 4:30, which meant the group had been sitting here in silence for fifteen minutes. It felt like it had been hours.

She wanted to get out of there. She didn't want to talk, she didn't want them to send her to a hospital or something. Just because they all had something a little wrong with them doesn't mean they needed a support group.

The real reason that no one had showed up was because it was basically social suicide. Not that Lily cared, she had already committed that years ago.

The scariest part for Lily was that six people, six more than she had ever told, were going to know that she was mentally ill, crazy, insane.

And that scared Lily to pieces.

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