Why does he think I'll leave him if he told me everything?  Why would he say that? What secrets could undo what I feel for him?  Does he even know how I feel about him? Do I even really know how I feel about him?    Perhaps I should have been less concerned about my sexual gratification earlier and insisted we talk instead. You can't have both.  He knew I'd chose his body over his secrets because that's what he wanted me to choose. He knows I'm powerless to resist him and that I always have been.   He plays my desire for him better than I play my Steinway. 

As my thoughts drift and meander so does the piece, and I skip over some sections and repeat others, but mainly it flows in an almost hypnotic continuum, and soon my mind quiets and settles - although he never leaves it entirely. He never really leaves it entirely anymore. Finally my fingers slow and come to a natural stop, and I breathe deeply and sit back on the stool.  

When I sense movement behind me I whip round. He's standing at the top of the stairs completely naked, hands down by his sides, his narrow gaze soft and intense and filled with awe.

"I had no fucking idea you could do that." He says quietly.

I suppress a shy smile and shrug slightly. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know you have very talented hands - but then I knew that already..." he says. He begins to walk towards me, the moonlight illuminating the full naked sight of him as he moves across the attic room. I almost gasp out loud at the sight as it gets closer.  He's breathtaking. Fierce, muscular and powerful. As always there's unceasing danger to his beauty. 

"I'm sorry.  Did it wake you up? I closed all the doors,"  I ask as my eyes roam his body, my heart beat quickening. I turn back round on the stool to face the piano and close my eyes, waiting for his touch.

"No.  You not being beside me woke me up." When he stops behind me I lean back against him and he slides his hands over my shoulders and down my arms to my breasts, rolling my hardening nipples between his fingers. A second later I feel his mouth at my neck. 

"What was that?  It sounded familiar," He asks, his voice a whisper close to my ear.

"Beethoven," I say as he continues to kiss and lick my neck, grazing his tongue delicately below my ear.

"So you play Beethoven on your piano, naked.  Are you fucking kidding me?" He chuckles.

"I never joke about Beethoven," I smile. "Although there was this one joke I heard once which made me laugh...." The words dry up on my tongue as he slides his hand lower and cups me between my legs. His touch is possessive but gentle. It causes a soft whispering moan to escape my mouth.

"It was beautiful.   You're fucking incredible," he says, his voice so sincere.   "I wish I had a single ounce of the talent you have."   He doesn't sound bitter or sad about it, just awed.  His hardness begins to grow against my back and immediately I want him again.  I think I could make love to him all day every day and stop only when my body stopped working.  I'm truly insatiable where he's concerned.

I twist myself around on the stool again and gaze up into his eyes, which in the moonlight have taken on an ethereal beauty; deep and dark and full of desire.  My gaze dips down to his erection and my mouth waters.  When I glance back up to his face he lets out a breath and lifts the side of his mouth ever so slightly.

"I want to be in your mouth, and in those hands."   he says. I feel the saliva collect and pool under my tongue at the very thought.  I want that too. 

I shift forward on my stool and bring my hands up to place my palms flat on his thighs then slide one hand around to grab his perfectly smooth, muscular bum.  His skin is warm and hard under my fingers and as I scrape my nails along it his erection jerks toward me.   The skin is silky smooth and lightly tanned, the end plump and pink.  It's so edible looking.  With my left hand I grip the base then lean forward to flick my tongue tentatively over the moist tip. Jake groans loud and digs his fingers into my hair.   I shift closer and lick him again, greedier this time, tilting my head so I can suck lengthwise.  God he tastes incredible; like salt and heat and man.   When I move my mouth and tongue lower, to taste at the tender parts that hang below his whole body tenses tightly.

A Dark Fall [ORIGINAL & UNEDITED VERSION]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat