Part 2: Every Photo Has It's Own Story

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Present Time

I pulled out my earphones, my music silently playing through it. I felt like my whole world stopped, and it was just the two of us who were only able to move. My eyes seemed to be glued, staring right into his.

It's been a year. A year of faking a relationship, a year of broken hearts.. a year of falling in love.. and a year of regret.

Funny how one person could make you fall in love with them all over again.

"S-Sorry," I mumbled, grabbing my tray filled with cupcakes and turning around to place them onto the countertop behind me. I heard a faint voice escape from his lips, and it sent chills throughout my whole body.

I shut my eyes, my fists balling up to gain some strength. But my hand relaxed, I wasn't strong enough to see him again, after a year of falling in love and getting my heart broken by the same person.

I cleared my throat, turning around, avoiding eye contact. Walking towards the cashier, I caught a glimpse of the calendar to read the date.

August 16th.

I pursed my lips into a line. Funny, who knew we were going to be reunited again after exactly a year of being permanently separated from each other.

My eyes met his, and I managed to muster up a small smile. He returned an even bigger smile, tapping his fingers on the cashier desk. "Welcome, what would you like for today?"

Jungkook smiled even brighter, "what's your best seller?"

I walked over towards the cupcake stands, pointing towards each of the finest and best sellers of my shop. "Well, the red velvet cupcakes are the best sellers mainly because of the tasty cream cheese frosting. The ingredients are my own recipe secret, and also one of the reasons as to why it's everyone's favou—"

"You're still talkative, like always." He cut me off, and I stopped myself from rambling on.

My cheeks began to heat up, and I pinched myself to stop myself from falling under his charms. Stop it, you're going to fall in love with him again. Heck, is he even single?

Pursing my lips into a line, I placed a hand on my hip, "would you like the red velvet cupcakes?"

He smiled, tilting his head to the side. "Yes, please. Also I would like for us to talk—"

"Fifty chocolate chunk cupcakes!"

Turning around, I looked up to see Chanwoo coming through the doors that led to the kitchen. He came into the front desk with a new tray of cupcakes, setting them right in it's appropriate place with the other cupcakes which were made a few hours ago. He smiled, sending me a wink and I weakly smiled in return.

Going back to Jungkook, I punched in the totals for his purchase and right after I grabbed a container to perfectly place his cupcakes in an organized fashion. I felt his burning stare, and it was almost as if it made my hands shake.

Placing his bag onto the desk, I grabbed his money and our fingers brushed against once another. I quickly pulled away, placing the coins and cash into its groups. Giving his change, he grabbed my hand and I felt myself stiffen at his touch.

Pulling my hand away, I flashed him a fake smile that managed to do the trick. He smiled, but his eyes told me something else. "You're getting pretty successful, I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, you too, I've seen you work and it's.. breathtaking." I looked at him and his smile had gotten wider.

"I miss your cupcakes which was why I thought of stopping by, actually." He looked at the bag filled with four red velvet cupcakes. "Maybe sometime, I can take some pictures for your advertisements?"

No Strings Attached (Jungkook x OC)Where stories live. Discover now