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Foxy quickly turns to Freddy who shrugs with wide eyes.

"Come on, you didn't expect us 3 guys to not have sex with the only girl? We can't jack one out all the time, we need a living thing to... Release in!" Freddy proclaims, achieving a few disgusted grunts.

"How do you think I have felt over the last 8 years!" I moan.

"Oh shit, damn I feel sorry for you man." Felix sympathizes with me.

"Imagine not having sex for 8 years though..." Foxy mumbles.

"Anyway, I will go first and my personal favorite is-" Freddy starts but everyone interrupts him.

"We all know." We all say. He just crosses his arms in frustration.

"Anyway, Jack. Who do you like?" I ask with an eyebrow raised. He looks over to the group of girls and glances over them all.

"Well, I would be happy with any of them, except Chica because I don't know I would feel about having sex with a metallic duck. If I had to choose someone I liked... it has to be Ness." He honestly says. I nod my head in agreement.

"Feli-" I start but soon get interrupted my Mark.

"Felix, don't you have a girlfriend?" Mark raises an eyebrow and scratches his stubble.

"Yeah... I just. I mean, I can say who I think is hot and all but we don't know if we will ever get out of here and if I had to choose a girl I like, it would have to be Rachel." (A/N FOR THE CONTENT) Felix smiles kindly at us all.

"Foxy?" I shuffle in my spot a little and everyone else does the same, everyone ends up with their backs to the room and facing me as if I was about to tell them a story.

"Well, me' lass Chica obviously..." But he trails off a little at the end so I brush it off.

"Mark?" I ask. He blushes and looks down at his hands, I spot the girls creeping up behind everyone. Hannah is behind Mark; Chica is behind Foxy; Ness is behind Jack and Rachel is behind Felix.

"Wel-" Mark starts but Hannah hops onto his shoulders, and so do the other girls on everyone else. I laugh at their shocked faces as they pull the men over the edge by falling but Hannah manages to stay on as Mark wraps his arms around her legs, scared she might fall and hurt herself.

Mark stands up and begins running around the main room, I stand up myself to see the other girls. Chica and Foxy are kissing but Foxy looks a little off, like he doesn't want to be here. Felix, Rachel, Ness and Jack are laughing and joking around while Hannah screams of in the distance as Mark bends over, causing Hannah to almost fall off.

This is all so happy and fun but I soon look at Freddy who has a look of despair casting over his face.

I crawl over to him and sit next to him, leaning against the wall on the left side of the stage.

"Don't worry about it mate." I comfort him as I swing my arm around his shoulders. "I'm sure you'll find someone else."

As if on que, a giant puff of smoke forms.

"I thought you needed a few... friends." The deep voice known as Scott says.

After the cloud of smoke disappears two bodies stand up. They are both females, one looks like the... well... slutty version of Chica. She has too much make up; rosy cheeks and solid purple eyeshadow; a tank top that doesn't leave much to the imagination and really short shorts, If you thought Chica's where short you can throw that out of the window. The other girl has pure long white hair and a skaters dress with pink circles with white dolly shoes. Her make up is slightly less over used with slight red cheeks and bright red Taylor Swift lips. One of her eyes is pure black while the other is luminous yellow, but not like Golden Freddy's.

Hannah walks up to the girls who look around confused.

"Hi, I'm Hannah. Who are you?" She smiles while holding her hand out for someone to shake it. The girl in white quickly pulls her in for a hug, she seems scared and lonely.

"I-I'm Mangle." She slightly smiles, holding her hands behind her back. I look to Foxy who has a look of astonishment as he looks Mangle up and down and luckily Chica isn't paying attention.

"And, who must you be?" Hannah asks to Slut-ica. Hehehe Slut-ica...

"Chica." She snarls after looking her up and down.

"Excuse me, I'm actually Chica so... get a different name." Chica says 'kindly'.

Slut-ica looks Chica up and down.

"Well, you can call me the better looking Chica." She hisses.

Chica looks distraught, almost as if she is about to cry. Hannah immediately spots it and is about to say something but Ness quickly beats her too it.

"Dafuq you say bitch?" Ness shouts.

"Oi, calm down Ness. Jus' ignore her." Jack attempts to calm her down. Rachel then pulls Chica from the conversation and hugs her to comfort her.

"You heard me." Slut-ica retorts.

"Excuse me but you came her so get a better attitude or can fuck off." Hannah demands, pointing to the door.

"Who said you are the boss of me?" Slut-ica rolls her eyes nonchalantly.

"If you don't back the fuck down I'll make you." Ness joins in, squaring up.

OOOOOhhhh shiet....

This can't be real... {Markiplier and FNAF fanfiction}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz