Chapter 9: Awkward Lap Dance

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"So, one late night. I was sitting on my bed while eating ice cream and watching TV when I heard a creaking from downstairs... I got a little suspicious so I paused sponge bob and sat up off my bed. I then crept down the stairs, with my spoon as my only defense. I heard crashing and banging and I felt as if my heart was about to leap from my chest and run away from me!" She says while using her hands to represent her emotions. I watch intriguingly as she continues. "As I got closer to the kitchen I heard shuffling, I quickly turned the light on to see my cat on the worktop. Turns out I had left out the ice cream tub, he had began to lick out the tub and ended up knocking it off in the process, causing the crashing and whatnot." Nellie proudly claps her self in sarcasm and I can't help but clap along.


After a few stories and giggling I can't get the smile off of my face. I'm still cuddled into Mark and Nellie has her head on Wade while her feet are on Bob's lap.

"So, how about some Truth or Dare?" Wade asks in an 'evil' voice.

"With Marshmallows." I add as I hop up off of the swing chair, I then make my way to the back door that leads to the kitchen. I spot Mark following me and I smile a little harder than before.

"Mark, where are the bags of marshmallows?" I raise an eyebrow and turn around to see him pulling the bags of marshmallows out of a bag. I kneel down to get some metal kebab skewers to stick the marshmallows onto, I spin around to see a Mark right behind me.

"Hey." I say as I take a look at the bags of marshmallows he placed onto the table, I bend over while putting my elbows on the table to support me. Without intending to, I get his attention onto my backside which I can't help but smirk at a little.

"I'm sorry for randomly stroking your hair like a cat last night." I say out of no where as I stand up to face him.

"W-wha- Oh yeah... That's okay. It was sort of comforting." He smiles and shrugs a small bit, then I remember even more about the morning.

"D-did you know what you did this morning? It was pretty funny..." I trail off.



"What?" He scratches the back of his neck. "I don't know, tell me."

"Well, you sorta slid down off my stomach. A little lower than I would of wanted but, lets just say your nose was almost in my belly button." I giggle as his face goes red with embarrassment.

"Well, no wonder I dreamed about being at the seaside..."(OHHHHHHHH I BURNED MYSELF!!! OHHHHH I HAVE NO FRIENDS!!!) He scratches his chin as if in thought and I freeze a little bit. I then feel my face go red with embarrassment as well as I pull a hand to my chin to nibble on one of my fingers.

"Well damn." Was all I could say. Was he being serious, or just joking because that seriously hurts my self esteem.

"I know, pro come backs with the Markimoo. Don't worry, all I smelt was fabric softener." He shrugs while smirking at me. I shake my head while smiling at his silliness, he then takes a step towards me which takes me by surprise. He then pulls me into a hug which I gladly accept.

"Just know that I'm joking if I say anything offensive to you. I know you have a small fragile ego that doesn't need any abuse. You're beautiful, just know that." He hugs me harder and our bodies melt together in an embrace.

"You're too sweet for your own good." I kiss his cheek and pick up a bag of jumbo marshmallows and skewers, Mark takes the other bag and we walk out of the back door, hand in hand.

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