Chapter 6: Sexy and I know it

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Mark pulls me up off the floor and he can't stop grinning at me and I just feel like I'm about to cry.

"I'm sorry for being perverted..." I mumble.

"It's okay. I know I'm THAT irresistible..." He kisses my cheek and I look to my right to see both Wade and Nellie raising eyebrows at me.

"Reading erotic fanfictions about Mark again?" She asks and my silence answers her question. She just shakes her head and laughs at my embarrassment.

"We're just about ready, grab chairs and shit." Mark explains and I see Wade and Nellie have grabbed the stools so I just grab a couple of bean bags. Mark, Wade and Bob sit in the front row and I see Nellie has taken a seat in the back row, I place the bean bags on top of each other to make a small tower and I hop onto it. It's unsteady at first but I manage to get my balance.

"What are we doing?" Wade asks intrigued, I look at the screen to see karaoke party has been set up. My jaw almost drops to the floor and I feel like rolling off the bean bags and continuing rolling down the stairs until I become unconscious. Wai Mark? Wai you do dis toooo meh????

Everyone seems to agree and I just slump into the bean bag chair and hide behind the middle of Wade and Mark's chair.

Mark clicks a few times then counts down from 3.

"Hello everybody, Markiplier here and today I have a few guests as you can see." Wade, Bob and Nellie all wave but I seem to get consumed a little by the bean bags so I just stay put.


"Hey guys!" Wade smiled all goofy.


"Hello," Bob waved again and smiled.

"Nellie, who is a new friend of mine..."

Nellie waved and I look into the camera to see the little flipped over part where you could see everyone. I squinted to see it could clearly see everyone, including me. I just sat there trying not to stare at the camera all the time.

"Hello people!" Nellie smiled a big smile and I couldn't help but produce a small smile at her enthusiasm.

"Last, but not least we have Hannah who you guys have seen before." Mark points to me. I wave at the camera but I'm too scared to say anything.

"Today we are all going to do battles against each other and in teams." Mark explained the rules of the game. "Every one will eventually team up with everyone and the 3 that sit out with have score cards to rate the performance."

"How about we let the two newbies go first." Bob laughs and me and Nellie swap seats with Bob and Wade. I scroll through the songs and me and Nellie both decide to sing 'A thousand years.' We have separate mics and scores so we could battle each other.

The intro begins to play and I cough a few times to prepare myself. I then try to ignore everyone else in the room as I begin to sing along to the words and notes.

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone,
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

This can't be real... {Markiplier and FNAF fanfiction}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt