Update for Me

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I was thinking about how you guys seemingly know nothing about me. So I thought I would give some information though I keep my name anonymous. Somethings you could have figured out on me. I keep my attitude on this happy and cheerful usually but I can be quite dark as you can tell.  Also I can be extremely heartless at times. I'm usually like Italy from hetalia! but when I start reading I ignore everything in which my friends call "Levi" mode. I basically find nothing funny and show no emotion. You could commit suicide and I wouldn't care probably. I am basically 2p Italy and Levi mixed together when I go into my "Levi" mode so in other words everyone runs away from me because I am usually scary as sh*t in that mode. I'm also (according to my friends) completely and utterly terrifying when I'm hyper. Don't know why. Also I'm pretty much insane............. do I need much of an explanation there? this place is probably the only thing that keeps me sane honestly. But I'm still helpful (I'm currently in "Levi" mode when writing this). If you guys want to talk about anything I'm here! I know about depression and family problems for I have my own problems I deal with guys. If you need help I may be able to help. Now I know you guys might feel weird about messaging some one you don't know but trust me it helps just talking to someone. I've had to talk to my friends multiple times when I felt so lost! anyways there you go more about me!

Have fun My Dolls of Time!

~The Doll of Time~

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