Chapter .13

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Hiya folks! Glad you are enjoying this  book! On the side is the baaaby!!!! It might either be a famous baby or some random baby I found on the internet! lol >>>>>>>>>>>> Anyways, please enjoy and I will dedicate the next chapter to the person who leaves a comment and votes! But I wont only dedicate the next chapter to you, I will also read the book you made of your choice and vote for it and leave a comment! Thanks, enjoy!

goldie523 <3


I stood in the hall outside of Landon's hospital room, nervously fiddling with my fingers. Her brother, Zak, is standing next to her, holding her hand. The baby is almost out! She looked up and saw my worried face in the window to the door and I smiled confidently at her. If only Sarah and Caster were here. Our friend is in her time of need yet they arent here! Well I understand though, they can't get caught by the police. Sarah will be the number one suspect to the murder of her family because she ran away, and she might be filed under GUILTY. And as of Caster, she will be taken back home and forced to live with Jake. But what if we called the police on Jake? We would have to. Of course they would believe us! I don't understand why we didn't when we first found out about what happened to Landon.We are so Niave.

A loud scream errupted from the hospital room and began to get actually worried. How would the baby come out? And more importantly, how would Landon come out of this hospital room after? I found myself nervously picking my nails. My Aunt Jeckyl always told me thats what I did when I was anxiuos.

"Isabell!" Someone whispered.

I slowly looked down the hall and there was Caster and Sarah tip-toeing down the hall towards me as if the police would jump out at them.

"You guys came! Aren't you scared about the...." I looked around jokingly.

"Police?" I whispered.

Sarah rolled her eyes as Caster peaked through the hospital window.

"Oh Landon..." Caster sighed.

"Hows she doing?" Sarah asked, pushing Caster out of the way and looking out the window.

"Pretty good." I sighed.

"Oh god, maybe we can go in and see her?" Caster asked.

"Maybe..." I wondered.

That would be great, Landon will be estatic seeing Sarah and Caster. A nurse was walking down the hall past us so I decided to stop her. She stopped and nodded at me.

"Yes?" She asked, batting her lashes.

"We are friends of Landon." I said smiling sweetly.

She looked at me quizically. I frowned.

"The girl in there..." I said, pointing towards the door.

"ohhh yes! Would you like to go in and see her?" She asked, pushing the door open.

We all nodded impationtly in sync. She pushed it open and asked Landon if she wanted us in.

"YES." She screamed, sweat dripping down her face.

We scrambled in and squeezed beside Zak who was just as sweaty as Landon.

"Hey Landon, it's all gonna be okay." Caster said, breathing and out.

Landon nodded and looked at us fearfully as she pushed hard. She growled and squirmed, making grumbling sounds. The doctor stood by her feet and was deliering the baby.

"Congradulations, Landon." The doctor smiled.

We stared in amazement and it was like slow motion, as he lifted up a beautiful baby.


"Congradulations, Landon." The doctor smiled.

I tried to say something, but all words escaped me at the moment.

"B-boy?" Landon asked, barely a whisper.

The doctor smiled and whiped off the blood. He leaned in with a kind smile.

"girl." He said.

A wide smiled spread across Landons face and I felt giddy. I looked around at her friends. They were all beaming with happyness.

"Hey, looks like your boyfriend. Where is he?" I asked, giggling like an idiot.

Landon and her friends faces turned pale and ghostly as if it were a VERY touchy subject. I decided to let it go. God, I can't believe she would have sex at her age! I mean, I don't expect her not to have, but now shes all knocked up. Or used to be.


Oh god. This baby is beautiful and I love her already, but that was the most painful situation eer. And he asked about Jake. Great, I need to tell him the truth. But not now. And now that I realize this isn't just MY baby, it's Jakes to, and it might grow up to be a physco like him, I'm worried.

"Well, who will cut the embylacl cord?" The doctor asked, holding up a pare of unique doctor scissors.

"You, sir?" The doctor asked my brother.

He stood there, pale in the face.

"Heh oh..uh.." He stuttered, swaying.

Then he fainted and collapsed onto the ground.

"I guess not." Isabell mumbled, poking him with her foot.

wooo!! Thanks for reading! remember, vote and comment and I will dedicate next chapter to u, read one of your stories, and vote for one of ur stories. Thanks! Ohh and stay tuned for Landon telling Zak whatt happened, Jake drama, and Sarah and Caster drama! Thaaaanks! And dont forget the policee!

goldie523 <3

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