15 ~ Surprises

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Maybe it's better to jump off the abyss myself too... I can't live without them. Without Brezaya and Thorin. The only important person who's still here is Fili...

Fili. That's it. I have to stay strong. For him. We only have each other now. The rest of the company is still here, I know, but they're not our real family. I can't leave Fili. We'll be going through this together.

I looked up, searching for my brother. I saw him, fighting bravely and his eyes met mine. Most of the orcs and wargs were fleeing or dead.

Fili walked over to me and we were picked up together by an eagle. She put us carefully on the back of another one.

"Brezaya and uncle... Both are gone." I said with a weak and soft voice. Fili looked at me in shock. "Uncle killed Azog, but Azog killed him at the same time. At least I think he's dead. He had a knife in his stomach. Blood everywhere..."

Fili looked at me and I saw tears coming up in his eyes. I couldn't stop mine either. "An eagle took him. He's probably somewhere in front of us." I said, pointing forwards. I also looked in that direction and then I saw her.

Brezaya. On the back of an eagle, just like us, right in front of us. She is alive! "Fili." I wispered. "Is this real? Is it really Brezaya in front of us? Alive?" I couldn't look away from her, I was afraid it wasn't real and she would disappear as soon as I would look away. And I wanted to look at her forever.

"Yes, she is. But I thought you said she was dead?" he asked, surprise and confusion in his voice. I nodded, still looking at my love.

"She fell off the abyss. I really thought she was dead. But apparently an eagle saved her." I couldn't keep the joy out of my voice.

I finally looked away and my eyes met Fili's. He looked glad, he liked her too and he was happy for me. But I also saw the grief and my thoughts went back to Thorin and the knife in his stomach.

I had forgotten about him for a short time, I was embarrassed for it. But I was just happy to see my love, alive. And there was still a chance that uncle is alive. There was still hope, until there was a dead body.

"Thorin!" I heard Fili scream next to me. He looked at a point in front of us. I looked in that direction and saw an eagle with something in her claws. A men? No, it's a... dwarf. Thorin.


After a long time of flying, I saw a huge rock pointing up to the sky. The eagles landed on it and we jumped off their backs.

As soon as I touched the ground, I ran to Brezaya. I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in her shoulder.

"I thought you were gone. My love." I whispered. "I'll never leave you. I promise." she said back to me.

As I finally let go, I looked around for Thorin. I saw him lying on the ground. I walked to him and I saw Gandalf holding a hand above his face. He mumbled something and slowly Thorin's eyes opened.

I couldn't believe it. I thought I lost Brezaya, then I discovered she is still alive. I thought I lost uncle, then I discovered he is still alive.

This moment was the best moment of my life. And I know, since I met Brezaya, I've said that a lot of times, but this one really is.

I helped Thorin up, happy that I could feel and see him moving.

"The halfling?" he asked as we helped him up. "Bilbo is here. He's quite safe." Gandalf said with a smile. Thorin stood straight now, looking angry at Bilbo.

Angry? Why? He saved his life!

"You!" he yelled at Bilbo. "What were you doing?! You could be dead! Didn't I say you would be a burden, that you didn't fit in this company?!" he spat in Bilbo's face.

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