Lucas, tss. Why is he stealing away everything that I have? That sick son of a bitch.

"Lucas isn't stealing your girl," Ali said as she appeared as if she was reading my thoughts. "You're just jealous big time," she added taking out the cigar from my mouth and stomping it on the ground.

"What the hell, Ali?! That was my last stick!" I cried. She always does that when she catches me smoking. "And I'm not jealous, okay? What the hell are you talking about? Plus, Natalie isn't my girl. She's just my fake girlfriend."

"Exactly! Then why are you being so protective of her and getting all jealous because she went out with her ex-boyfriend?" she frowned.

"I... I'm not being protective! I'm just telling her that cliff diving is dangerous for a girl like her who knows nothing but shopping. And for the last time, I ain't jealous!"

"Just face it, Bruno. You like Natalie again," she nudged me.

"I do not—Hey! Wait a minute! Why are you even talking to me? Isn't that you're mad at me?" I frowned in confusion.

"I am mad at you," she said.

"Until now I don't know your stupid reason for being mad."

"It's 'cause you're not you anymore!" she exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" my eyebrows furrowed.

She sighed loudly in exasperation with her arms folded across her chest. "Do you really want to know what's wrong with you these days?"

"Yes. Please," I emphasized every word.

"You—" she struggled for words. "You're not doing the right thing—I mean... if you think you're still you, you wouldn't use somebody as your fake girlfriend just to make Bridgette jealous and come back to you. Bruno wouldn't do that... instead he would face Bridgette and tell her how he really feels. How much he wants her to come back to him." Here she goes again with her words of wisdom. But she got a point. I wasn't myself anymore. I wasn't the Grenade guy anymore who would catch a grenade for his love. I wasn't the JTWYA guy anymore who would always compliment his girl even though she won't believe him.

"But! The world suddenly turned upside down because of you always ruining the plan. The plan was to have a fake relationship with Natalie to make Bridgette jealous. And may I remind you that you have your own secret plan too and that is to make Natalie fall for you and then break her heart. But it turns out that instead of Mrs. King falling for you, it's you who has fallen for her... again."

"Ali—" I grunted.

"And I like it! I don't ship you with Bridgette anymore. I ship you with Natalie!" she squealed like what any other teenage girl does.

"What does that even mean?!" I was annoyed.

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