"Well," I said and immediately all six of them were huddled in front of me like kids waiting for their teacher to tell them a story. It was just like the scene when I was in my room with Dylan and the boys.

It's story time bitches. I chuckled silently to myself which caused 6 pairs of eyes to look at me curiously.

"Okay children," I started and they all sent me daggers. I rolled my eyes, impatient little brats. "Once upon a time-" I continued but was so rudely cut off by none other than the grumpy Alpha himself.

"Bullshit." He said and shook his head.

"Shut up Alpha or I'll force you to eat bull's shit. Sounds good? No? Shush." I retorted but before he can respond I proceeded with the story.

"So the dream started when I somehow woke up standing in the middle of a field, a flowery one. Sunspots blurred my vision. Everything was so quiet in the field, I thought I was the only one there until I noticed a woman walking beside me in complete silence." I continued and licked my lips. Nick followed the motion:

"She wore a white dress that flowed to the ground and a headdress that had something imprinted in the middle in front of it. When I tried to stare at her, sunspots would appear and blind me, but I tried again and I realized she had no face. Then she said some words." I stopped to breathe, Carly opened his mouth but I stopped him when I put my forefinger on my lips in a shushing manner. He raised his hands in the air in a surrendering manner.

"At first, her voice was so soothing but then it changed into something authoritative and demanding. I ran from her but the more I did it, the more her voice raised a note and it was like she was screaming inside my head. I just stopped and fell to my knees until I felt my left ear bleeding and my body felt nothing." I finished and waited for their reaction, nervously, may I add.

"That is the weirdest and scariest dream I have ever heard." Carly mused to himself and slightly shook his head, the others agreed.

"I know, I mean what the hell is her problem. Saying words like those." I said aloud.

"What exactly did she tell you?" Scarlette asked me with hopeful eyes, I sighed and tried to remember what exactly were her words.

"Well, it has something to do with erm... A chosen one that will change at the opposite of night. Darkness and sight, special ability and humanity getting ruined." I smiled triumphantly when I remembered a lot.

"That escalated quickly. I think it means trouble." Nick chimed.

"I think it's nothing, I'm not bothered." I said half-lying, it's quite scary when you think of it.

"Enough of that crap, what's up with you two?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest and looked suspiciously at Jason and Scarlette who sat beside each other. Their eyes widened and a tint of pink colored both of their cheeks. Oh.

"Someone has to explain something." Carly said in a sing-song voice, the others sniggered except for the two.

"Sky, there is still something you need to know about werewolves. Something very important." Jason said in a very serious tone.

"What is it?" I asked in pure curiosity.

"Werewolves have mates." He said, "Someone who is destined for you to love and vice versa. He or she will be your life and your everything; they mean the world to you. The Moon Goddess destined you to be together, otherwise you're incomplete. Unlike humans who think of their current lovers as their soul-mates, werewolves only have one that they will cherish forever. You're perfect for each other." He finished and looked at Scarlette who coloured even more, if that was possible. I quickly put the pieces together and smiled widely at the two.

"Scarlette is your mate." I stated and they nodded quickly. I lunged forward and hugged both of them and muttered my congratulations. The two of them are so lucky to be together, they're perfect.

"Who's the Moon Goddess again?" I pulled away and asked everyone. Carly was about to answer me but I added quickly, "Besides the obvious fact, thank you Carly, that she's related to the moon." I looked at Nick expectantly.

"What?" He asked me incredulously.

"You're the Alpha, you must at least know something about the Moon Goddess." I told him with a serious gaze, he smiled innocently which caused me to sigh.

"This is why Google exists, Sky." Luke said and beamed proudly. I thought for a second about mates.

Someone you'll love, in return they will love you too. That means you will be attached to them forever, but what if my mate gets bored of me? Will he dump me and forget about me? What if I don't find him? What if I found him but he doesn't even want me? Is that even possible? Would he reject me? All those questions swam in my confused mind and there is one thing I finally concluded.

I do not like the idea of mates.


"I'm late!" I yelled and grabbed an apple from the counter.

"I know you are." Dad chuckled when I walked past him, taking a bite from the apple on my hand.

"There is ten more minutes though." My Mom said when I reached her, I kissed her cheek and bid goodbye. I slammed the door shut and faced Nick with Jason and Scarlette patiently waiting in his truck.

"Sky hurry up!" Scarlette yelled when she saw me, I ran and immediately rode shotgun.

"Sorry. I dreamt about the lady again. My dream was exactly how it was last time minus the bleeding ear." I said and slumped down my seat, I can sense a headache coming.

"Oh." Was all her reply until we chatted about other subjects. After a while we arrived at school and Nick parked the truck. I opened the car door and got off. The four of us went inside the hall to meet up with Carly, Luke and Amber. We saw the three of them leaning on their lockers with bored expressions.

"Hey guys." I called out and immediately their faces lit up. I dodged a few students who were also walking around.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Luke asked and walked towards me, flinging his arm on my shoulder. I smiled weakly and shrugged his arm off.

"Nothing, I woke up late because of that weird dream again." I answered him and unlocked my locker, I put the necessary things in my bag and put the unnecessary ones in my locker. The first bell rang and I almost jumped a mile in the air. The hallway was now becoming less crowded and less noisy.

"I'm all good. C'mon guys." I cheerfully said and turned around. We were about to go to our classes when I suddenly had the urge to pee.

"Wait, you all go on I'm going to the bathroom." I said and turned around, almost knocking down a petite girl who held her head down.

"Sorry." I yelled and walked again but stopped when a loud growl reached my ears. My friends might've heard it too because Amber let out a yelp. I looked in front of me and there stood a guy. He looked attractive with messy brown hair and full lips, he was clad in black jeans and his white shirt clung to him almost like second skin. But that didn't catch my attention.

Yeah, sure. Didn't catch your attention, your ass. You're ogling him. My inner self told me, I hate my inner self. But seriously, that wasn't what caught my attention. It was what escaped his lips.



You people have no idea how excited I was to upload this chapter.
Anyway, I ranked 89 in Werewolf and 129 in Humor. :D THANKS! That's the highest I've reached, unless I missed it when it ranked higher. But nevertheless, thank you to everyone. :) ~ Eren

Grey Sky { Previously, JAWS }Where stories live. Discover now