She leads the two of them through the crowds of people, stopping every few seconds to greet someone or offer a wave. It must be exhausting being so friendly, Louis thinks to himself, clutching tightly onto Harry's hand and rubbing small circles with his thumb.

Harry's got two drunken modes, Louis' picked up on them over the years. There's very loud, sloppy drunk Harry. Cuddling everyone in sight and singing on tables, dancing with his limbs flying everywhere as if they're independent from his body. And then there's quiet drunk Harry. Sleepy and all drowsy, soft and pliant and eager to follow wherever he's lead. He's the second option right now, letting Louis and Taylor lead him through the streams of people, just nodding happily at people who stop to say hi, holding Louis' hand tight. Taylor leads them into a smaller room, there's only a few dozen people mingling in here and it offers a relief from the mob of bodies Louis feels like he's been swimming through for hours. They come to a halt in front of a large glass door that opens out into the gardens.

"It's just through here," Taylor says, pushing the bar on the door and swinging it open. A cool breeze flows into the room, the sweet smell of pollen trickling in. "Knock yourselves out." She winks, giving them a little shove forward. Out of all the weird, unexpected things that have happened in Louis' life, being pushed into a botanical garden by Taylor Swift so he can hook up with Harry in peace is up there with the best of them.

"Erm, thanks." He offers, "See you later?"

"Bye, boys." She laughs with a wave, turning on her high heels and heading back to the party.

Louis swallows, feels the night breeze sweep over him and wrap him up like a blanket. It's pitch black outside, nothing to illuminate the garden apart from a littering of lights hanging from a string, highlighting the foot paths. For a moment, Louis doesn't know what to do with himself. He feels the dead weight of Harry's hand in his, grounding him and giving him a sense of reality.

Like Harry's read his mind, he feels his fingers tighten around the back of his palm. "Lie down with me." Harry murmurs, it comes across like a question so Louis' answers it.

"Yes, please."

Harry giggles at that, "Not here, though. Can't see the stars."

Louis looks up, they're covered by a tall wood canopy tangled with vines and leaves, blocking the view of the sky. "Not here." Louis repeats Harry's words.

With that, he steps out from under the canopy, taking Harry with him. He's not sure exactly where he's heading, concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other and following the stone path that winds through the towering plants and flowerbeds. They walk quietly, like the fact that they're hand in hand says more than words could.

Louis feels Harry come to a halt next to him, "Here." He says, voice soft.

The path branches off in front of them, dispersing and leading to a wide expanse of neatly cut grass. A few feet along the grass stops and a large, circular pond takes it place. The ripples of water glow white underneath the moonlight, twinkling specks of silver from the shine of the stars.

He looks at Harry, and Harry's already looking straight back. He remembers someone telling him once that it's wise to fall in love with people's eyes, because they never age. At this moment, he can see the truth behind the sentiment. It's like looking right into the eyes of the sixteen year old boy he'd met five years ago. Vulnerable, honest and looking back at him in awe. And that's what this is, isn't it? Falling in love. He's been falling in love with Harry for as long as he can remember, and he doesn't feel anywhere near close to stopping.

Harry lets go of his hand, sinking down to the floor and sitting with his legs outstretched. He looks up at Louis, gesturing for him to join. Louis doesn't take much convincing, lowering himself down to sit next to him on the grass. As soon as he gets there, he feels Harry reach for his hand, pulling it into his lap and interlocking their fingers. It makes Louis feel lightheaded.

Untangle Me - L.S (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now