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It's break time Garry and I parted ways as I walked over to the back of the school where Darren asked me to meet him. Im not going to lie, im scared. I mean Darren does 'Business' that obviously isn't legal. I walk round the corner and see Darren by the bike shed I walk over taking a deep breath. All of a sudden im grabbed by my neck and my mouth covered by a large hand. I kick him but the grip around my neck gets harder. I decide to do the only thing I can do as im only a few steps away from Darren; I lick this oaf's hand. "Eww she licked me" He cries dropping me. Darren smirks as I feel someone picking me up onto my feet. One person holding my right arm another holding my left. "What the hell are you doing?" I ask trying to hide my initial fear. "Remember when I said you'd regret it" Darren says cupping my chin. He kisses me before punching me in the stomach, I topple over but the two idiots holding me pull me back up. Darren hits the same place again before kicking me there. "Let her go" He smirks I fall onto my knees holding my stomach tightly. "Now" He laughs, crouching down to my level. "You tell anyone and you will get so much worse. Understood?" He asks I nod. All of a sudden all three kick me when another small flash of light occurs in the corner of my eye, I ignore it this time and focus on the pain im now feeling. I lift up my shirt to see a huge bruise forming, however im lucky to see no sign of internal bleeding. I pick myself up slowly and carefully walk into the school building; I have English next with Garry. I defiantly can't tell him as much as I want to, I just simply cannot.

I walk into class im one of the first I take my seat pulling out my things. Around three minutes of staring at the wooden door Garry walks through with Jimmy and Ben. Garry sees me and smiles as they walk over. "Heard you sat with Darren" Ben says glumly. "Sorry he needed to talk to me. "What happened to your neck? It looks sore" Jimmy asks. Thanks for dropping me in it. Garry cocks his head slightly. "I honestly don't know, why what's wrong with it?" I ask, god I am a terrible liar. "Looks red" Ben shrugs. Ben and Jimmy walk over to their seats over In the far corner of the room. "So what really happened?" Garry asks. "Nothing I told you I don't know" I smile lightly turning back to my book. "Don't lie to me please" he begs. "Nothing happened end of, we spoke for a bit, he told me not to show him up again the end" I say more rough than I intended it to be. "How was your break?" I ask him breaking the tension. "It was good Fenton's going to end it at lunch, please come to see that" He says. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." I smile at him. "So why's he breaking up with her?" I ask. "Ask him yourself at lunch." Garry smirks. This is bound to be funny. I get on with my work before getting bored and just talking to Garry; what can I say double anything let alone English drains a person.

Soon the torturous class is over and Garry and I pack up our things I lean over to reach my bag and an immense pain floods through my body. I cry loudly before doubling over "Aurora are you okay" He asks rushing over to me helping me up. "Yeah" I mutter leaning on the table. Garry packs the rest of my things away. "You sure nothing happened?" Garry asks taking my hand. "Nothing happened" I smile, He flings by bag on his shoulder alongside his backpack and wraps an arm round my waist supporting me whilst I walk. He helps me down the stairs one by one. I take his hand rather than his hand around my waist, the others might start to ask questions. "Would you mind getting my lunch for me? I'll give you the money" I smile softly. "No it's on me" He smiles. "No I can't let you" I sigh looking up at him. "Hey if a guy offers to pay don't refuse to let him" He smirks as we reach the table, all the guys are already there. "What do you want?" Garry asks helping me sit down placing my bag beside me. "Chips, orange juice and a slice of chocolate cake please" I smile up at him. "Sure thing" he smiles walking into the cafeteria. "Hai guys" I smile. "Aurora how are you?" Fenton smiles back. "Forget about me; why not tell me why you're heading toward splits ville?" I retort. "OHH, yeah spill," Jimmy chuckles. "Well she gets super jealous, she's an awful kisser and she's vile in bed" Fenton laughs. "Great! So when's it happening?" I ask him leaning forward. "When she walks over, at the moment she's talking on the phone to someone" He points at her. I smirk to myself although I feel bad for this girl; this would be funny and would help get my mind off this. Garry comes walking back over with two trays of food. "Did I miss it?" He asks placing my tray in front of me and sliding in next to me. "No not yet were waiting for her to get off the phone" James laughs. I pull out my purse and try to slip a fiver into Garry's coat pocket; he catches me in the act and grabs my hand. "I told you I got it" He chuckles closing my hand with his. "Keep the money" he sighs. I put it back in my bag. "Here she comes, here she comes" James laughs banging his hands on the table. "How bait do you get?" Jimmy chuckles.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 23, 2015 ⏰

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