Chapter 6- First Kiss

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"So what did you want to say?" I ask leaning against a metal post. "I just wanted to say im sorry, you can talk to whom you want I can't tell you what to do. I just hate to see you get hurt or leave like she did and..." Did he just refer to his old girlfriend... seriously? "Did you just compare me to your ex?" I ask confused "Not compare im just scared you'll do the same." He sighs. "What date you and then leave without a word, im not like that just because Cassy did that doesn't mean I will. And were just friends, were not together. You're still upset over her leaving and I just want friends. Relationships are just trouble." I sigh, I look up at him a sad expression fills his face. "I know were not together" He sighs. "Good, but listen your just going to have to accept Darren and I will be seeing a lot more of each other since were doing this play. We will need to rehearse together in and out of class. Im not going to ditch you guys, you're the only friends I have; I've ever had to be in fact. You guys mean too much." I smile lightly, his expression changes. "Im sorry" He says quietly holding his arms out. I walk into them his arms wrapping around my waist and mine around his neck. "Im sorry too" I sigh into his chest.

The café door opens, and the boys all pour out. "Urmm" James says coughing. A flash of light occurs again as we pull away. "The hell" Garry mutters. I shrug looking over at the guys I don't think they noticed. "So are we all friends again?" Jimmy asks. "Well duh, are we going back to the arcade then?" I ask excitedly. "Sure let's go," Garry smiles snaking his arm around my waist. We walk back to the arcade it's still dead quiet nobody in here except us. We split up Garry and I, James with Fenton and Jimmy with Ben. "What machines first?" Garry asks me changing up his twenty pounds. "Claw machines." I sing walking over to them. "You know you could buy these toys for cheaper than you spend." He chuckles. "I know can people stop reminding me," I smile annoyed. I push a pound into the dinosaur one as Garry tries the princess one I tried earlier. "Ohh suits you" I smirk. "Shut up he smiles as the claw drops the belle princess into the collecting point. "For you" He smiles bending down and handing it to me. "How did you know she's my favourite?" I ask hugging the princess doll. "James text me and told me about you trying to pick it up," He smiles. "Well thanks" I smile placing her in my bag and moving on to the super hero one while he tries the stuffed animal. This time it was my turn to win. "Yes" I smirk picking it up I see Garry's eye look over at me, jealously in his eye. "Here" I smile handing it to him, he smiles taking it from me. "Don't suppose you could look after it could you?" He whispers. "Sure" I smile placing it in my bag. I walk over to the slots pulling Garry behind me, on the way changing up some more money. "I've never seen Dracula ones before" Garry says confused. "These are the best; they give out tons of tickets if you're good." I smirk pushing in two pounds and pressing the spin button. After around five minutes I have a pile of tickets on the floor whilst Garry only has three. "How the hell did you get that many?" He asks as I crouch down and collect my tickets. "Im just amazing at this that's all," I smile carrying them over to where Ben and Jimmy are playing air hockey. "How much did you spend to get those?" Ben asks whacking the puck. "Only two pounds what about you Garry?" I ask. "A fiver" He grumbles. "Seriously you spend ore but win less than her, you've lost your touch" Jimmy laughs missing the puck completely giving ben the point. "And we have a winner" Ben chirps. I laugh quietly to myself before cashing my tickets in for a large Beast toy. "So now you have beauty and the beast" Garry smiles. "Yup" I laugh smiling to myself carrying the Beast toy. "Let's drop these off at yours" Garry smiles as we leave the boys in the arcade. "We walk back to mine in a comfortable silence occasionally breaking the silence with a wide remark about a passing person.

We reach my house and I notice its four thirty. "I think I'll stay here as mums probably cooked dinner and what not" I smile hugging him. "Are you coming out afterwards?" He asks sadly. "No I think I'll have a quiet one tonight" I smile handing him the superhero teddy. "Okay night Aurora" he whispers kissing the top of my head. "Night Garry." I smile walking through my little black gate before my mother opens the door waving Garry off. "Does he want some pie I've made enough?" She asks. "No he doesn't he's going out with the lads." I smile at her taking my shoes off. "And he didn't invite you?" She asks, "Yeah I turned it down, I wondered if I could have someone around though, but if anyone asks he didn't." I ask. "Urmm sure they're not trouble are they?" She asks worried finally noticing my face. "Dear what happened?" She asks. "I got into a fight protecting the lads Garry and I walked in to see they being pounded and we got involved, they came off worse though, and he's kind of their friend however he wasn't involved." I smile half-heartedly. "And whom can I not tell?" She asks walking into the kitchen while I follow her. "Garry or that lot" I sigh, "Their not the best of friends" I augh quietly. "I can see why, I'll keep your secrete as long as you promise me you aren't going to let him rule y0our life" she sighs. "No mum it's for drama we both have the leads and we need to practise." I explain. "What are you putting on" she asks, "The crucible" I smile knowing it's my mother's favourite too "Well I can't wait to see that" She says as her face lights up. "And course I'll keep this from the lads, as long as you can invite Garry round for dinner one night he seems lovely" she smile, "Great thanks mum what times dinner?" I ask getting myself a cup of orange juice. "Should be ready in about twenty minutes" She says turning her sweet potatoes into mash. "Im off to my room then" I say walking upstairs with my bag. I sit on my bed cross legged and place my cup on my nightstand. I unlock my phone seeing my background, I smile gently. It's the picture of Garry and I when we got kebab, we had just finished eating when he walked over and took a couple. I scroll through my short amount of contacts and find Darren's number. I press it and my phone starts to call him, placing him on speaker I wait patiently for him to answer.

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