Louis would always get sleepy and soft after long, late night car journeys back from the studio. He'd rest his head on the car window as they drove back to the flat, kicking his shoes off and tucking his feet under himself, letting his eyes fall shut. He remembers countless times where Harry would ever so gently tap him awake as the car came to a stop outside, whispering "We're home." Harry would pick up Louis shoes and turn his back to the car door, motioning for Louis to jump up so he could carry him inside.

"You've got a bad back. Don't wanna hurt you." He'd protest, placing his hands on Harry's shoulders.

"You won't hurt me, you're five foot nothing and weigh roughly as much as a sack of feathers." Harry'd said, squatting down so Louis could wrap his legs around his waist and hoist himself up. Harry would carry him all the way back inside and up the stairs, dropping him in bed and then wandering back up with a cup of tea and toast for him a few minutes later.

Now, he just does his best to avoid the puddles, waddling across the drive on tiptoes as he watches Harry lead the way in front. Harry pulls the boot open, several weighty plastic bags inside, full to the brim with an array of ingredients.

Louis comes up behind him, one hand reaching up to rest against the open boot lid, eyebrows raised. "Jesus."

"Might have gone a bit over the top." Harry mumbles, grabbing one of the bags. "Wasn't sure what to bring so I just sort of...brought everything."

Louis giggles, "S'alright, let's get 'em inside." He says, picking up a bag and stumbling a little bit under the weight.
Once they've got everything in from the car and loaded into Louis' kitchen, they're both slightly unsure of what to do with themselves. Louis cant help but feel out of his depth, heart beating a touch faster than normal at the sight of Harry stumbling around his kitchen, the thought of having him all to himself for the entire day a lot to take in. It's ridiculous because it's just Harry, the same Harry he's always been. It's Louis that's different. It's Louis that finds himself biting his lip when Harry stretches to reach the top of the cupboard, shirt hitching up and exposing his toned stomach. It's Louis that finds himself mesmerised by the way Harry's long fingers wrap around the door handle, squeezing tight. It's Louis that finds his eyes wandering down to the plush pinkness of Harry's lips when he speaks, studying the way they press together and fall apart.

But then again, maybe Louis isn't different at all. Not if he really thinks about it. He's found himself fascinated by Harry for as long as he can remember. Always touching, always wanting to touch. Always wanting to be that tiny bit closer, caught up in him. It had always been easy to explain away though, Harry had that effect on everyone, everyone wanted a piece of Harry. There had been countless interviews where he'd been asked who he'd date in the band if he was a girl, and Harry's name had always effortlessly rolled off his tongue. "I'd pick Harry because he's really charming." Or "I'd date Harry, everybody loves Harry." Never having to think about why.

Louis is brought back to the situation at hand with the sound of a heavy plastic thud hitting the kitchen tile. He whips his head around to look over at Harry who's stood at the other end of the kitchen island, hands up in mid air, empty space between them previously occupied by whatever has just fallen on the floor.

"Oops." Harry says slowly, bending down to pick it back up. Louis' eyes widen when Harry comes up, a large tupperware container in his hands, full of a particularly suspicious looking green substance.

"Is that-" Louis begins, raising an eyebrow. Harry quirks a cheeky smile back at him, cheeks dimpling, before pushing the container over for Louis to inspect. He takes it, opening the lid just a crack. He's hit with an overpowering scent, that familiar, earthy smell of bud. Louis shakes his head, laughing affectionately. "You bloody stoner."

Untangle Me - L.S (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now