I scrunched my nose up in bewilderment at their scents and the strange noise. I bit my lip glancing to Travis who was frowning and I watched him curiously awaiting for him to tell me our next move.

"It's night time, would they be up now?"

Travis finally acknowledged me seemingly caught in a trance. "Yeah, they should be."

I nodded at him and almost instantantously raising my hand up to knock just as Travis gripped my wrist. The wood was oak and creaked from my rapid touch slanting sideways. I recoiled backwards staring wide eyed at the gate and I gave Travis a sheepish smile. Except he was rigid sniffing the air only to curse loudly.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." He snarled viciously punching the gate causing me to gasp when it tumbled down like a dead body. Travis ignored my concerned look tightening his hold on me whilst giving me a dark glare.

"Keep close and do whatever I fucking say, got it brat?"

I rolled my eyes. "Hm, yeah I know. You keep saying."

His eyes hardened and he gripping me harshly by my collar. I yelped wincing from how rough he was and his eyes that stared straight through me. I shivered feebly struggling as slight fear swelled inside me.

"Scout, I'm fucking serious here," He hissed shaking me a bit to induce his message. "The things inside these walls are dangerous and you're going see things I wish you didn't. But, you will which is why you have to swear to me that you won't leave my side,"

He shook me again less intense making me stare at him indecisively. "Do you swear to me?"

I nodded vigorously. "I- I swear."

He stared at me and I knew he was deciding whether or not to believe me right now considering before. Eventually he let me go sighing stressfully before beckoning me to follow him as we entered into the human city.

I didn't know what awaited me, just like when I ran from my tribe, but the strong metallic scent and the burnt rubber hit me straight away and I became frozen when the town fully entered my vison.

Oh God.

Body after body was layered on the ground in lines. They were mutilated beyond recognitntion. Each one of their stomach was torn open leaving a perfect view of their dead organs, some had intestines dangling out and nausea filled me.

Or was it hunger?

I mentally killed myself for even thinking that, one right thing my dad did was to never eat human flesh. My Tribe feasted on animals only and I admired my dad for that.

Buildings that these humans lived in were burned to the ground. Their lives gone and dreams turned to ash and I wondered morbidly if they watched their town being burned before the captors decided to end them too.

Some humans had each one of their throats ripped open indicating only one thing. My kind was here, except maybe a different Tribe or possibly a mixed rogue Tribe between shifter and Lycan since shifters always went for the stomach whilst Lycans went for instant death.

I bit my lip eyeing the small human bodies feeling guilt and shame for not being able to do anything even though I knew no matter what; that it would always turn out this way even if I intervened.

Only difference is that I'd be dead too.

A breeze blew up a dust storm making me clench my eyes shut. I didn't want to cry, if I did I'd just say dust got in my eye. But this scene was heartbreaking and my strength was crumbling. The sound from earlier was eerie and made me cover my ears and I willed the images to go away as everything became a blur.

Travis touched my shoulder and I opened my eyes feeling tears swell. He turned me towards him giving me a reassuring squeeze and guiding me close to him. I was surprised at his affection but I eagerly shuffled closer to him keeping in mind that Travis rarely showed me comfort so I relished in it.

"There was nothing you could have done." He whispered bluntly leaving no trace of emotion in his voice. I knew he was just as angry as me at this scene.

Our once hopeful plan now shattered just like all these humans lives.


So I hope you liked this, its hopefully up to standards.

Sorry for mistakes, will fix them when done. Also I'm very sorry for not updating in ages but I have been dealing with stuff right now and I haven't got around with writing this or having the confidence to actually post this till now so please forgive me! :)

So tell me what you honestly think, please with a cherry on top? :)

What do you think about this chapter?

Also the next chapter will be exciting(hopefully you guys think so), so get those votes or whatever coming or I won't update asap!! :)

Also OMG Christmas is so close XD

Anyway, what would you like to see happen next?

Goals- 7 votes, five comments please? :) (Please try to help me reach this guys, I want to do well for the watties! ^^ )

Thanks for reading!!

Updates are usually Friday, if not after that(sorry for being so late) :)




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