Chapter One: Auditions

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"Are you two excited?" Mum asked, a smile on her face. Alyssa entered the kitchen- wearing a grey crop top with a black skirt- that had a pink floral pattern on it- knee high socks, a black cardigan and high heeled boots- which made me shorter than her. A smile grew on our mothers face when Alyssa and I nodded.

"Of course we are! We've been practicing for this for a while and I am sure we'll do the best we can," Alyssa told our mother, her confident side showing. I just sent her a small smile before we carried on talking about it, "I mean, we've practiced this song so many times that it's starting to get boring for all of us. It sounds a bit overplayed now," Alyssa complained.

"Yeah. You know, considering the fact that you chose the song, you'd think you'd still love it," I told her. She rolled her eyes at me and I sent her a cheeky grin before we decided to head out of the house. So, I grabbed my bag and guitar before heading out to the car- where I put my guitar and bag on the very back two seats. Our car was like a minivan. It had two seats in the front, three seats in the middle- which should be the back seats- and two in the back- where the boot/trunk is, usually. Our car was a seven seater because there were seven of us in the family plus Alice and, soon to be, our niece or nephew.


We were waiting in the queue for the X-Factor. It was 7 a.m and the doors had just opened to start letting people in. Emily and Christian had joined us along with Lillie, Cara and their parents and siblings. There were quite a lot of us and I could only guess what the people standing around us were thinking. They were probably annoyed at the fact that we were talking up a lot of room in the queue. They probably thought that we were the reason that the queue wasn't moving as quickly.

The nerves were taking over me, I knew that much. I was terrified. If we did bad, it'd probably be my fault. I was playing guitar so I'd probably forget a chord or forget some lyrics because I was playing the guitar. It was driving me insane just thinking of the idea of being the reason that we don't get through. I really didn't want to mess up.

As I was thinking, I hadn't realised that I had, absentmindedly, glanced over to a boy. His brown eyes connected with mine and I felt a blush rise to my cheeks once I realised that I had been caught staring even though I hadn't even noticed that I was staring in the first place. A smile grew on his face as I glanced back at him. I blushed again and looked down at the ground, smiling.

"What's made you go all flustered like you used to in High School when your crush texted you?" Emily asked me. I smiled again and shook my head. Emily started looking around, trying to find the person that made me all flustered and, well, embarrassed, "Seriously, Lex, who was it?" Emily asked me, getting rather frustrated and excited.

"There's a guy over there. I didn't actually know I was staring at him; I had done it absentmindedly but he caught me staring and he's cute so now I don't know what to do," I complained, causing Emily to laugh a little bit, "Em, it's not funny! I made a fool of myself in front of a guy I don't even know!" I told her, running a hand through my hair.

"Oh, it'll be fine. I'm sure he was flattered that you happened to have started staring at him because you are one beautiful girl." Emily told me, causing me to roll my eyes at her. Lillie then made her way over to me and put her arm over my shoulder. She had beautiful, long, dirty blonde, straight hair and green eyes while Cara had light brown hair and hazel eyes.

"I'm terrified," Lillie told me, looking at me. I nodded in agreement before glancing at my nails and began to pick at them, "I mean, what if we mess up? It's more likely going to be me that messes up because I'm stupid but-" Lillie rambled. I cut her off by rolling my eyes and shaking my head at her. She was the eldest, sure, but she always put herself down.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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