Chapter 9 - The Past (Part II)

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This just further proved his thoughts on her quick progression. It only took her once to see his movement before being able to watch his muscle movement, feet and arm placement to figure out what he was going to do next. Granted, most of the time she noticed what he was going to do and just wasn't fast enough to get out of the way, but her speed seemed to be increasing rapidly as of late, which would eventually of her biggest advantages against him as well as anyone else.

Since he was much bigger, taller, and heavier and she was small, nimble and agile, even though still not as fast as him, once her speed even matched his, she would immediately be able to dodge nearly everything he threw at her, merely because she was so much smaller and agile than he could ever be at his size.

In years to come, her speed would be the only thing that would save her life. Especially when there was a sniper rifle involved...

Two weeks later, Taiyou was just about to start teaching her to use simple weapons, like kunai, shuriken, throwing knifes and senbon. Kunai were the easiest to start with, since a learner never used the actual metal blade to start with, instead, using wooden replicas that weighed a little more than the metal ones, so as to get the hands use to them and increase dexterity before practising with the sharpened weapons.

Within a few days, she had grasped how to use the kunai properly, and Taiyou decided to allow her minimal usage of a mostly blunt kunai, just to see how she went. If she messed up, she would barely give herself a paper cut, but if she continued messing up, it wouldn't be very easy to use them without having the small cuts stinging all the time, therefore debilitating her movement.

For the next three hours, she practised throwing the metal weapon at a target, and the majority of times getting near the bullseye, yet her aim was gradually getting better and better with each time thrown. Suddenly, she hit dead-on the bullseye, and smirked triumphantly.

"You're improving quickly. Keep practising, I'll get us some lunch." the dark-haired man said, and got up from the bench at the side of his own small training area in his garage, and walked back towards the house to prepare them something to eat and restore their strength.

Tsuki had been training almost every waking second since she woke up the morning after she got to Taiyou's. He had woken her at 7AM in the morning and made breakfast whilst talking her through what he would be training her in.

Firstly, basic hand-to-hand combat. She would learn how to defend herself whilst being unarmed, as well as gaining physical strength, discipline, flexibility, agility, the ability to predict an opponent's movements, and learning to cope with pain.

Secondly, basic weapons training, which they were doing at the moment. This would teach her how to aim and throw weapons, use them to be fatal or just to incapacitate a target, and she would eventually become able to use the weapons to become a deadly ranged fighter who used their stealth to complete their mission.

Thirdly, Taiyou would combine the first two together, and teach her how to use hand-to-hand techniques with small weapons, such as kunai and shuriken. More than likely, this was one of the most important lesson for her, since this was the most used style of combat in the Sora Ops.

Fourthly, he would up the difficulty on the hand-to-hand combat training and teach her some of the more advanced movements, combinations and techniques that he had knowledge of. Her physical strength would be pushed to the limits, and even further than she thought possible, as well as her speed and agility.

Fifth, advanced weapons training. Taiyou would teach her to use katana – ninjato, wakizashi, as well as daisho -, sai, kusarigama, naginata, nunchucks, and finally, guns. She hated the idea of having to use guns, since those disgusting weapons were the ones most used to kill innocent people, and took no talent or practice to use. All you had to do is aim and pull the trigger.

The Detective and the Moon [Death Note Fanfic]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora