The homcide

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Mark Smith walk araund with his girlfriend and they had planed to go on a restaurant. But on the restaurant they met her older boy Freind
- Hey sweetie, he said.
He was drunked
- What do you want. I don't like you, said marks girlfriend Amy.

After marks date he walked home and then a man came in a black dress behind mark.
Mark walked home and the man walked in on marks garden. He looked at the door. It wasn't locked. He open the door. Mark stod and brush he's teeth. The man put up a gun with a silencer.
- Hey there, The man said.
- Who are you, mark Said
Mark saw who it was but then the man killed mark.

One day after marks death. He's girlfriend came home to him.
- God morning, Amy said.
It was no sound from mark.
She walked up on the upstairs. Their was mark on the floor.
- Mark! Amy screamed when she saw the body.
She called the police. The police came
- Hello, said The police man
- My name is agent Nilsson.
- Hi my name is Amy.
- What had happened, Said Nilsson
- I have no Idea, Amy said
Agent Nilsson walked in and walked up on the upstairs and saw the body there. Hes Freind took the body and walked away with help of Nilsson. They walked putted him in the ambulance car.
Amy came and kissed the body and cried a bit.

After one week came marks Friend in and saw marks girlfreind in theirs window
He knoked on thers door.
Amy opened.
- Hi can we talk, He said.
- Okey, Amy said and looked to him odd.
They walked in.

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