✧ Raichi Todoroki x Reader ➀

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* ✫ ❚ -ˋˏ✦ˎˊ- ❚ ✫ *

L u l l

Here you are in the classroom with a sleeping monkey sitting in front of you— ERROR 404: ERROR FOUND; Raichi Todoroki. The little monkey leaned over the desk near you and what more, he's sound asleep!

Well now, how in the world did this happened?

Your (most hated) subject teacher decided to be an angel today and didn't appear to attend his classes. So fun, yeah?

With that, you were left to do nothing for an entire hour in your classroom. . .

So you spent it talking with your friends to escape the clutch of boredom. Raichi being in the circle with you but mainly he was there accompanying you, silent as the wind. Alas, eventually everyone got bored and went to do different things.

"Raichi," you called and he turned stiffly at you. "Let's get outta here?" 

He nodded vigorously, following right next to you. Seeing the classroom deserted, it didn't take long for you to abandon that thought, "Actually, let's not."

You sat in a random seat near the window; Raichi mimicking your actions, sitting next to you.

Taking in the scenery of the blue sky just outside the window, you breathed in a sigh as you couldn't find anything to do. Looking back inside the class, you noticed Raichi's head leaning down on the desk near you.

"Raichi? What's wrong?" you asked, trying to sound unconcerned but it came out worriedly as your hand found its way to Raichi's head.


"Didn't sleep well?" he somehow managed to nod even though his head was already on the desk. Understanding the misery of lacking sleep, you decided to leave him on his own devices.

"(First Name)-chan, continue..." he mumbled quietly.

"Hmm? What?"

"Keep doing that..." he said, a little bit clearer this time.

Realizing what he meant, you sat down and continued patting his head. You began running your hands through his dark spiky hair. The monkey boy remained still; making you wonder if he's dead. This continued for a few more minutes and without you knowing it, he fell asleep. Out of boredom, there were times when you gripped too much, almost resulting in Raichi's hair falling.

Ought to happen, your hand got worn out from patting the monkey's head and playing with his hair. So you stopped, leaning your tired arm on the back of Raichi's head.

Seconds, minutes, and moments passing. . .

You continued staring blankly at nothing, bored out of your mind. Breaking your blank stare when you suddenly felt your hand getting lifted gently.

"Did you sleep well?" you asked him monotonously but Raichi being Raichi didn't notice at all.

He mumbled a yes as he stretched out his hands. "(First Name)-chan, you're too gentle that I fell asleep right away."

'No, you're stupid, that's why you fell asleep. Must be nice to be a simple-minded idiot,' you thought. "I am not, Raichi-chan. I was actually pulling out your hair too hard."

[ A moment of silence . . . ]

"(First Name)-chan, once more..." he said, still sounding sleepy.

Complying, you did but this time without any hesitation, you started pulling his hair in annoyance.

"It hurts?"

"Hmm? No."

"For real?!"

"Actually— yeah."

Just outside the classroom were the ever-optimistic and ambitious Mishima Yuuta and the all-rounder Akiba Kazuma who, of course, are having a completely wrong idea of what's going on inside.

'Wait, what's this? What are they doing!?' Mishima thought as red filled his cheeks.

'Why are their roles switched?' Akiba wondered in his thoughts.

"What on earth are you doing!?" Mishima yelled, sliding the door as Akiba followed behind him.

"Nothing special?" you answered as Raichi ignored his childhood friends, pretending to be asleep.

Mishima and Akiba processed what was happening as they walked towards you two. Just as the new arrival guys were next to both of you, Mishima spoke. "Let me," he ruffled Raichi's hair and brutally pulled it.

This action completely woke the hell out of Raichi Todoroki as he quickly sat up. "That hurt!" he exclaimed loudly, looking for the culprit.

"That was not me!" you quickly said in your defense.

Was it you or for a second there, you could have sworn Raichi glared at Mishima?

[ E x t r a . . . ]

"Misshima and Akki!" Raichi greeted his childhood friends, smiling brightly and widely.

"Stop calling me that!" Mishima snapped as Akiba smiled at their antics sheepishly.

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