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As soon as I saw Jhene's facial expression I started to get nervous. And also seeing that she wasn't speaking was also making me nervous because I thought I said something wrong. I guess she could see that I was nervous because in that moment, that was when she told me that she couldn't believe Rih was right and that they would end up together. I pull her closer to me and she lays her head on my shoulder. We just sit there and enjoy every second of this precious time. All of a sudden she lifts her head and starts staring at me all crazy.

"What happened?", I ask her.

"No nothing its nothing", she said.

I could tell she was stressing so I just rubbed her back and tried to reassure her as much as possible. I know that its hard to move on from someone who played a huge part in your life and I guess reality just hit her because she began to cry.

"What's going on?", I ask her.

"It's just I haven't been this genuinely happy since me and Trey first began dating eachother and just feeing that feeling is just alot on me", she says, curling herself back into my embrace.

"It's okay, I understand the transition can be tough but you're strong and I know that you will be okay no matter what", I tell her.

We sit in silence for a while until we decide to go get something to eat.

We reach a little diner and walk inside and order our food. When the food arrives, Jhene is back in good spirits and we are talking and laughing when all of a sudden her phone vibrates and its a message from Rih.


"Babe!", I hear Rih say as I wake up from a deep sleep.

"Yeah?", I answer her back.

"J is on a date with Aug!!", she says a little too excitedly.

"Oh really? I knew they would eventually end up together. The way they vibe when they're woth eachother is something you can only find in one person and I think they've found their one person", I say.

"Ahhh!! I'm so happy for them, they are so cute together!! I have been shipping them since your album release party!", she says.

"Really baby? That was when her and Trey were together remember?", I ask.

"Yes I do remember and I don't-", she says while interrupted by a knock at the door. She walks over to the door and opens it.

"Hello,- oh its you", she says in a sickened tone.

She closes the door in the person's face and stands at the door with a stank face on. I walk to the door and then I realize why she reacted in that way. Trey was at our door.

"What are you doing here, man?", I ask him.

"Look, I've been meaning to talk to Jhene but she hasn't been answering my calls or messages", he says.

"Because she doesn't wanna fucking talk to you dumbass", Rih says. I give her the eye and she just rolls her eyes and sits on the couch.

"Can I come in?", he asks.

"Yeah whatever", I say.

I let him in and close the door behind him before sitting down on the couch opposite of him next to Rih.

"So why the fuck did you come here to talk to Jhene?", Rih asks, clearly still annoyed and angry at him.

"Well uh I know she's close to the both of you so I decided to just take a chance and come here but I'm realizing this wasnt that good of an idea", he says.

Rih leaves the room before she gets more upset and heads to the kitchen.

"Man, you really hurt Jhene. She is my best friend and you think you have the audacity to cheat on her and then also put your hands on her? Who the fuck do you think you are? You are insane and you are lucky that I'm not beating the shit outta you right now because you deserve it", I say to him.

"I know I fucked up big time, but I'm here to apologize to her and at least get back on good terms with her", he says.

"I'm so infuriated with you its insane. Hasn't your mama taught you better than to put your hands on a woman? I can't believe you", I say to him.

"Everyone makes mistakes and this happened to be my biggest one and I regret every second I ever did anything to hurt her. All she ever did was love me and I fucked that up by doing shit I know I ain't supposed to be doing", Trey says.

We talk for a while until we get interrupted by another knock on the door. This time I answer and it's Jhene. All I can think of is Oh shit oh shit this is gonna end badly.


"Oh shit!", I say a little too loud.

"What happened?", August asks.

"Trey is at Chris and Rih's house and apparently he is there looking for me. I don't believe it", I say placing my head in my hands.

"I'll take you home and you can settle all this and we can catch up later on everything okay?", He asks me.

"Okay", I say as he takes out his wallet and pays the bill and tip before we leave. As we are on our way to their house, my heart starts beating fast and I start to panic but I don't let Aug see it. I keep communicating with Rih until we finally arrive there. I knock on the door and Chris opens it for me and as soon as I walk in I see Trey. I put my purse down and sit on the couch opposite of him and just stare at him in disbelief.

"Listen babe-", he begins to start before I cut him off.

"Don't call me that. You lost that right a long time ago", I say to him.

"What I was tryna say is that I'm sorry. I never should have done all the stupid shit I did and I sure as hell should not have put my hands on you", he says.

"Okay", I reply back to him.

"These few weeks that I've been away from you makes me realize what I took advantage of and I wanted to know if you would take me back", he says.

Instantly my brain starts going insane because I really like August but Trey was someone I saw a future with. I decided to go with my gut instinct and tell him my answer.

Finally, I take a deep breathe and say, "Trey, I've been thinking these past few weeks and I.....".

Ooooooh cliffhanger haha ;) Ch 17 will be up soon ❤ :)

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