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I text Rih for a few more hours and she finally decides on a place to go for our date tomorrow. It's going to be at a restaurant called Spain. Its a Mediterranean place and its very high class.

'Finally everything is falling into place. I'm so happy that I'll finally be able to tell her how I feel about her', I think to myself.

Now, I gotta go all out for her since I wanna make this a night to remember for her. I'll pick her up and bring her to the restaurant and it will be only us there. Then, from there on, I'll jazz it up a little and be spontaneous. I just want this to be perfect.

'Rih, I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow night, be ready for the best date of your life' I text her back.

She replies with, 'Okay! I can't wait! See you then '.


I can't wait until my date with Chris. He is so handsome and such an amazing guy. I really hope I don't mess things up. I gotta make sure I look good because I can't go on a date looking like a scrub!

I go into the parlor and call Jhene on FaceTime. After two rings she answers and says, 'Hey Rih, what's up?'

I respond saying, 'I need your help! Chris is taking me on a date tomorrow and I don't know what to do or what to wear or anything!' Panicking, I start pacing around my parlor until Jhene comes up with an idea.

'Okay, I'll be at your house soon. We're going shopping to find you the perfect dress for tommorow, and I'll give you some tips too!', she says.

After hearing this, I am so relieved that I have a friend like her to help me out in my time of need.


It's mid afternoon which means Trey is at the gym with his trainer, John. I clean up around the house and then plop on the couch and turn on Keeping Up With The Kardashians. That show always makes me laugh.

Suddenly, I get a FaceTime call from Rihanna. Chris is taking her on a date!! She said she needed my help so of course I am there for her. I quickly turn off the TV and write a note to Trey just in case he comes home before me.

I wrote, Went out to help Rihanna with something. Be back soon, I love you, Jhene.

I grab my keys and drive to Rih's house. On the way there I figured I would pick something up for us, since we are going to be out for a long time. I stop at Chick-fil-A and order two orders of chicken nuggets, waffle fries and two fountain drinks. I pay for my stuff then rush to Rih's house.

I pull up in her driveway and beep the horn signaling for her to come out. A few minutes later she exits her house in a denim top and jeans paired with a black snapback.

"Hey Jhene, thanks again for doing this for me, I really appreciate it", she says.

"No need to thank me, you know I'll always be here for you girl", I say as we pull off and head to the mall to find Rih an outfit.

We arrive at the mall and we are there for about 2 hours before we find the perfect dress.

"Its beautiful, just what I wanted", Rih says.

"Try it on!", I say, anxious to see how it looks.

When she's done putting it on, she walks out of the dressing room and.....

Sorry for the cliffhanger y'all! Wait till the next chapter to see what her dress looks like and what happens on her date! Love y'all :)

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