"Do you like the partying?"

"Ashton," Luke starts with a sigh. "What's this about? I'm having fun, okay? I liked last night, I liked being out until the middle of the morning and partying. I liked running with Calum, albeit I almost died, and I liked-" He trails off suddenly, resting both of his hands on the table top and ignoring the dripping cone. "I liked hanging out with you guys, even Michael."

"You were cuddling earlier."

Luke switches the cone between his hands, raising the covered one to his lips and licking it off. Ashton raises an eyebrow, cheeks flushing. "Indeed, I was cuddling." Luke confirms. He grins when Ashton looks away, shaking his head.

"With Michael."

"Yeah." His voice is suddenly tiny, close to a whisper and holding a scared tone. "I didn't-"

"You're not in trouble, Lu." Ashton laughs, reaching over the table to pat the younger boys arm. "It was just- We weren't expecting cuddling, more like your body chopped up into tiny bits. Michael's not that bad, you know. He's a doll a majority of the time if he likes you." Ashton shrugs half heartedly. "And Calum seems to think he's warming up to you."

Luke ponders the idea for a moment before shaking his head. "I don't think so. He probably thought I was Calum at the time, I mean, you should've heard him last night. He kept shooting insults at me because of James." Luke's stomach twists anxiously as Ashton's eyebrows met in confusion. "And then Calum-"

"Calum what?" Ashton presses. He takes a sip of his drink and Luke shook his head. His ice cream is beginning to puddle beneath his hand.

"He said he wasn't on the table dancing." Luke looks over to the table beside them. A family of five sits with salt water damp hair and beach bum smiles on their faces. He turns back to Ashton. "Cal said Michael left in a bad mood so he followed him home."

Ashton blinks repeatedly, a smile dancing onto his expression. "This is news to me." He hums, taking another sip of soda. "Eat your ice cream before it's all melted."

"It's already melted," Luke pouts and switches the cone between hands, carefully licking the droplets from his fingers. Ashton watches him with playful eyes, teasing and ready to comment. Luke speaks again before Ashton can. "Do you think that's weird?"

It's weird to him. Nothing seems to make sense, it's like the past two days are puzzle pieces for different puzzles and no ones told him yet.

"How you eat ice cream? Absolutely insane." Ashton jokes before sighing. His playful expression has fallen, a weary one now on his face. "Honestly, yes, it's weird and completely questionable. Why would Michael say Calum was going wild if he wasn't? What was the point in lying?"

Luke squirms, giving a weak shrug of his shoulders. There's a puddle of white on the table from the dripping cone, and with a sorrowful expression, Luke tosses the treat in the trash can behind him, shooting Ashton a remorseful smile. The older boy smiles easily, clearly not bothered by the waste of money. The conversation seems to die off then, the two of them sitting in silence until a seagull lands on a table a few down and starts squawking at the three girls sitting there before rushing away in a fit of laughter.

"Are we going out tonight? After the boardwalk?" Luke scuffs the soles of his flip flops on the street to rid them of the wet sand. He wants to see James again, wants to sneak off with him to the backyard or an empty room for a bit, wants to touch, be touched.

Ashton's quiet for a moment. "Don't see why not, I'll text Derek and see what parties are happening tonight." He smiles at Luke and shoves him with his shoulder, jostling the younger boy. They walk back to the house, laughing about the girls and bird, and about the new flip flops Luke's wearing and how the sand seems to stick to every crevice of them.


"Shove over," Michael's pushing a pillow against Luke's arm and trying to burrow himself into it. His hair is sticking up everywhere, eyes still heavy with sleep and hands tucked under his shirt. Luke whines, a tiny, pitiful sound and scoots over, giving the older boy room. "Not that much, Christ, Hemmings, I'm trying to lean on you."

Michael unfurls a hand from beneath his shirt and wraps it around Luke's waist, effectively holding him still as he worms closer, snuggling down against the pillow. He hums contentedly, eyes falling shut and sleepy smile on his lips.

"It's literally four in the afternoon." Luke says, only to have Michaels have on his cheek, patting around soundlessly before landing on his lips and staying there. "Have you even been outside today?" His words come out slightly muffled and his tongue accidentally darted out, grazing Michael's palm.

"Kinky, Hemmings but I'm not into that."

Luke doesn't know what Michaels not into, isn't sure if he really wants to know. He stays quiet and waits for Michael to talk.

He doesn't.


Literally Halloween owned my ass,, I think I'm still drunk and I left my phone in my guy-friends dorm and he's incapable of anything rn, so I am slowly getting twitchy and nervous, plus my contacts are killing me. Sorry for whining.

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! Tell me about your costumes??

I was a daisy bug, it was pretty cool, haha.

Hope you enjoyed, leave some feedback!

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