1 - Breaking Rules

Start from the beginning

          “No!” I screamed, and he tore at my shirt, ripping it in the process. I regretted going to the party. I thought going might make things better. I thought it’d get my thoughts off the horrible situation at home, but instead, the situation followed me.

          Kyle pinned me to the ground and I screamed. He tore my skirt, his hands rough and grabby. I knew I had to put up a fight, it was my only chance. I managed to kick him in the balls and get him off of me. I punched him kicked him the stomach, screaming. I ran like hell after that. My shirt was in bad condition, and tears streaked my face.

          I ran for a few blocks, hoping to get away, before realizing I had nowhere to go. I called Cameron, only to get his voice mail. I had one option left; Bale.

          “Princess?” he answered the phone, sounding surprised.

          “Where’s Cameron?” I asked, my voice shaky from crying.

          “He’s staying with Lila for the night. Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

          “I…I need help,” I stammered, realizing I was asking for help from someone who terrified me.

          “Where are you?” he asked.

          “Corner of South and Maine,” I said.

          “I’ll be there in five minutes,” he said. I stood in the chilly air, not bothering to even assess the damage. I knew my clothes were shredded and  I was going to be bruised in the morning.

          I relaxed slightly when I heard Bale’s Harley pull up. He got off quickly, and rushed over to me.

          “What the fuck happened?” he asked.

          “I’m fine. Can…Can I crash at yours?” I asked, my voice stammering.

          “I asked what the fuck happened,” he growled out.

          “Kyle wouldn’t take no for an answer, can we please go,” I said, my voice cracking and I knew I was going to cry. I really didn’t want to cry in front of Bale. He already thought I was a child, and now I was going to be a cry baby.

          “I’m going to fucking kill him,” he growled.

          “No, it’s fine, I’m fine. I just want to get out of here,” I said, tears filling my eyes and overflowing. Bale softened from his hard stance, and shrugged off his leather jacket. He handed it to me.

          “What--,” I started. He didn’t give his jacket to anyone. He got pissed if girls even touched it wrong, and here he was giving it to me.

          “Sloane, don’t make me reconsider this. I’m going to let Kyle get away with it tonight, but I swear to holy hell I am going to murder him the next time I see him,” he growled. I slipped on the jacket. He got on the motorcycle, and I followed suit. I wasn’t about to admit to him I was terrified of motorcycles.

          I wrapped my arms around his hard stomach, and buried my face into his back as he started it. I wanted to cry, to sob, and bawl like a baby, but I knew I couldn’t do that. I was bigger than that. I didn’t need to.

          Once we’d made it to Bale’s shitty apartment, he helped me off of his death-trap of a machine that he called a motorcycle. He led me up to his apartment, neither of us talking. He held my hand in his, and it was the slight reassurance I needed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2013 ⏰

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