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I wonder how her bestfriend makes it through everyday!
Does she play their last conversation in her head ten thousand times a day or If she wonders about how she didn't notice the signs earlier?
Does she wonder about the small sighs that escaped her attention or she didn't pay much heed to?
Does she cry inside every time we talk about our friends and break a little more when she realizes she doesn't have hers by her side?
Does she fake the smile we see on her face everyday and quickly dry her tears when she hears someone passing by?
Does she retrace their steps and replay memories every once in a while to make sure that she has her dose of best friend every once in a while?
Does she secretly cry and lock herself up in the washroom scared, mortified when she can't remember or picture her face and can't remember what it was like to hear her voice?
Does she sleep at night or lose it everyday over the moments that broke her heart and left her fending for herself?
Moreover, does she believe in friendship and eternity anymore?
Does she treat everything with an ocean full of salt now and does she genuinely mean the smile that makes a sneak peek?
Is she okay and does she mean everything she says?
Are we missing any in betweens?
I lost one. I can't lose two.
Oh you Blood thirsty rope! To hell with you. //ndcb

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