Chapter 5

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Brooklyn's POV
  I was surrounded by darkness, unconsciousness that had once overwhelmed me starting to fade away.A tiny spark of fire was ignited in the depth of oblivion,as I slowly forced my eyelids open.I shook my head to clear away blurry images and saw....white.Everything was white,from carpets to curtains.A faint sob sounded beside me,as I craned my neck over to look.Cassidy was sitting next to my bed,crying,"It's all my fault.I'm waste."I shuffled around in my bed to alert her that I'm already awake,and she lifted her head up as her blue orbs went wide and she exclaimed,"You're alive!"

  How ironic."Yes I'm alive,and is that what you always say after your best friend survived from a tiny cut?Wow Cassidy,you surely are one of a kind,"I said,rolling my eyes.

  "Brooky,you know how scared I was??The blade was poisonous you hear me??POISONOUS!!!You could have died!!"she scolded.

  "First of all,don't call me Brooky.That's probably the worst name I've ever heard of!And second of all,I'm not dead ok?Just appreciate that and stop yelling in my face,"I sighed,giving her a glare.

  "Ok ok,I get it,I'll leave you in peace just for now,"Cassidy groaned.Just then,Josh bursted through the doors with bags of Italian takeaway boxes.He dropped them after seeing me awake,and screamed.Long and loud.

  "BROOKLYN YOUR AWAKE!!!!I MISSED YOU FOR AN HOUR!!!"Josh shrieked running around my hospital bed,while Cassidy face palmed herself and I mentally slapped myself.Typical Josh.Forcing myself in a sitting position,I reached for the takeaway boxes and ate whatever that was while Cassidy left the room to sign me out.We left after a short while and went back to our dangerous home.

At the house
  "I can't believe three accidents have already occurred,"Cassidy sighed,"First the car crash,second the razor,third the poisonous blade,what do we have in stall for us??"

  "These people are deadly.This creeps me out.And it will even more when the 'rescue group' comes in,"Josh complained."I just wish I haven't become an agent and can live a normal life..."

  I thought.And thought."Why does these attacks fix on us not Cassidy??She is the main agent,something's wrong,I just sense it."I muttered softly to myself.Unfortunately,they heard it.Their heads snapped up and the both chorused "that's it"."What's it?"I asked,curious to know more.

  Josh the 'genius' answered,"Either the murderer is trying to us the two of us to quit and Cassidy to be alone so it will be easier to defeat her or he or she is trying to do us damage.As in damage I mean to make Cassidy feel that she is the one causing all these problems.That guy is probably trying to make Cassidy feel like she should turn herself in so we won't get hurt anymore."

  Cassidy cleared her voice,"I will never think that.I've never failed any other mission,I won't fail this mission either."

  "You will after we get hurt.The murderer somehow knows your personality.He knows you might be brave on the outside,but if someone you love gets hurt,you will do anything to save them.I don't really mean this,but you are weak on the inside."I suggested.

  "How do you know the serial killer is a man??Hey you feminist,a male here.This is gender discrimination girl."Josh smirked playfully.

  "Huh.Most killers are men though,"I shrugged,walking upstairs back to my bedroom.

  "Hey that sentence itself is racial discrimination.You bastard come ba---"I shut him up by slamming the door and plopping on the comfy chair turning on my laptop.I clicked on the CIA personal file and checked on the character I'm acting on this mission.I read the file.Caprice Brennan,teacher at Billford High School.Age:26 Hair color:Blonde Height:5'6 ft tall.My eyes were wide in shock.I'm gonna be a teacher??I have no knowledge whatsoever.Even worse,I am 26 years old?!?What the fudge??I know I had to accommodate with it,so I just shut down the file and turned off my computer.Sighing,I eyed the clock and realized it was time to have dinner.I descended the stairs slowly,seeing that Josh and Cassidy blacked-out on the couch,I started to prepare to cook dinner.Taking out a piece of chicken wing and 10 pieces of lettuce,I steamed a bowl of rice while frying the chicken wing.After I was done,I took the food out to the dining table and eat them quietly,but not quiet enough for Cassidy and Josh not to hear.

  "Where's ours?"they chorused,bounding towards me and eyeing my chicken while licking their lips.

  "You expected me to make your dinner for you too??Oh they're in the fridge."I replied coolly,chewing on my lettuce.They walked to the fridge and screamed at me.

  "A frying pan?!?And half of a piece of bread?!?What Brooklyn?!?What will that do us??"they stormed in,holding an item each.

  "Yes.Yes.What??And you can use the frying pan to fry stuff,"I replied smirking.

  "You know the frying pan will freeze and break into pieces if frozen,"Josh the 'smart' said sternly while I forced myself not to laugh.

  "And the bread will become to hard for any human on earth to bite on.Our teeth will fall off,"Cassidy added seriously.

  I burst out laughing,"Good logic.Now leave me alone and make your own dinner."

  They groaned and mumbled,"So little food....."and left into the kitchen.After a while they came back out,holding a roasted piece of bread.They broke the burnt bread in half and chewing on it hardly.I couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing again,rolling on the floor.

  "You know there are tons of food stored in the cabinets right??And seeing you fry a piece of bread is just so hilarious.Who would do that??The bread was for you to make a sandwich and the frying pan for you to try whatever's in the cabinets.I can't believe this,just imagine yourselves frying half a piece of bread and breaking it into half and chewing hardly into it......"I trailed,bursting into fits of laughter.They looked blank for a while,then a smile slowly crept onto their faces,and they,too,laughed in joy.

  Only that they didn't know someone was watching them.Even at the crack of dawn,the dark-clothed guy roamed the streets,searching for its next victim,while sending numerous attacks on the trio.And what the didn't know was what he had in stall for them.
I wrote this whole chapter based on one person's POV;is it clearer now??Hope you guys like it and stay tuned for the upcoming chapters!!

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