I'm Over it....I think {Ch.10}

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(Monet's POV)

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Ugh just five more minutes!  I rolled over and snuggled back into a slumber even with the alarm blaring.

"Turn that thing off!" I heard Connor screaming.

I begrudgingly hit the alarm and rolled over, once again snuggling into my lavender scented sheets. Not four minutes later a sudden cold wetness took my breath away and I gasped sitting up with my fangs out ready to rip someone’s throat out. I looked up to see the twins running out of my room.  "Ian and Aaron I'm gonna kill you!" I roared but decided to just get even later. So I just growled a few profanities as I put on a Neon Trees T-shirt and some light skinny jeans then just let my hair keep its natural wave and lastly put on my makeup.

I ran down the steps skidding into the kitchen to see Ian and Aaron sitting at the table looking innocent. Little do they know I hid their Xbox and laptops before I came downstairs.  I grinned and sat down at the small table just for the family in the kitchen and noticed dad, Connor, and the twins sitting at the table and mom cooking.The twins looked at me wide eyed and scared because I wasn’t yelling like crazy.

"Good morning Monet" Dad smiled kindly while drinking some coffee.

"Good morning everyone" I said nodding at everyone but giving the twins an evil grin and they cautiously sent small smiles back.

"So honey have you had time to go see Ryan?" Dad asked as mom sat food on the table and sat down beside him.

She frowned "No, you know even after all these years of knowing him and having one kid I'm still not comfortable with him looking at my vajayjay"

"Gross!" We kids screamed in horror and they laughed.

"Please I'm trying to eat" I gagged a bit.

"Well wouldn’t you feel uncomfortable?" Mom said looking at me accusingly.

"Yes mom! Just shut up!" I answered holding my ears.

Dad rolled his eyes at me "Make sure to tell the school you'll need off for a while, remember how sick you got with Monet?" He told mom.

She nodded "How could I forget? I bet you I puked enough to fill a swimming pool" she said throwing her hands up dramatically.

"That’s it, I'm leaving!" I said jumping up and going to the door to put on my shoes but Connor ran in after me.

"I need to talk to you" he said seriously.

I looked at him confused "What?" I asked wanting as far away as possible from my parents and their weird conversations.

"What happened last night?" he asked concern written on his face.

Suddenly it all came back to me. How much it hurt, how angry I was, and how I made myself numb to it all. I internally groaned, why did he have to remind me? I was just fine and happy forgetting.

I sighed "Didn’t everyone tell you?" I asked and rolled my eyes, I know that whatever they told him wasn’t true because the only person who knows what really was going on is me, myself, and I; But to be honest I'm not even sure I know.

He shook his head "They told me they had no idea, Just that it involves that rouge" he sneered as he said it "but by the time I was going to beat the shit out of him he was gone" he finished looking pissed.

I shook my head "It's nothing" I said looking down.

"Monet you know that if anything is bugging you, you can talk to me" he said.

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