Never Resist Temptation

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“Umm, I’m usually pretty good with my liquor. I tend to tell people not to let me drink anymore when I’m too far gone. So if I start saying that, then don’t let me wander too far,” I told her. I have an unusually high tolerance for alcohol for someone of my stature. I’m not bragging because honestly, it’s better to be a light-weight. It’s less expensive and you get all the fun while saving a few extra bucks.

“Don’t let me do anything with Sean beyond making out. I don’t want people to think I’m easy,” Iris chimed in. I take it that Christine usually acted like everyone’s mother at parties. Her natural maternal care was refreshing and it also left me with a feeling of security that she would be there if anything went wrong. We turned a corner, and I could see a house filled with dozens of car parked along the driveway and sidewalk. Christine pulled into a spot a little further down and shut off the ignition.

“What, no worrying about my well-being?” Matt asked, pouting like we had genuinely offended him.

“Eh, you can take care of yourself,” Christine easily dismissed as she sashayed out of the car and I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped my lips.

Matt pivoted in his seat so he was facing me, “You think it’s funny? That’s alright, you can take care of me tonight,” he joked sending a flirtatious wink in my direction. I scooted forward in my seat till my face my mere centimeters away from his, my eyes focused on his dark brown orbs. My lips inched closer to his, diverting at the last second.

“Oh babe, I’ll take good care of you,” I breathed into his ear. The smell of his cologne wafted into my nostrils and I quickly exited the car before I was tempted to do more and actually kiss him. That would be bad for obvious reasons. I could hear a small groan escape him, and it left a satisfied smirk on my face that I still had the ability to entice sexy men.

Christine and Iris had already made their way into Jake’s house, so I slowly meandered to the front door taking my time. Not bothering to knock, I let myself in and was immediately hit by the loud music that pounded in the room and the smell of booze. I spotted Iris in the kitchen and made a bee-line for her direction. A group of people were all centered around a table with a couple bottles of vodka and shot glasses. Shots of the clear liquid were being poured and passed around.

“Hey girlie, you ready to take a couple shots?” Iris beamed from next to me. Oh boy was I ready. I merely raised my eyebrows and grinned in response and then a boy wearing a red shirt and dark washed jeans yelled “DRINK” and everyone downed what was before them. I could feel the burn that rushed down my throat causing me to wince but I didn’t reach for a chaser. After a couple more shots, that burn would subside, and besides I wasn’t too sure what I would find in this kitchen. Drinks seemed to be covering all the counter-tops and very few looked non-alcoholic. Glasses were filled once again and we repeated the ritual, the girls shouting “WOOOO” after each shot and giggling at nothing. The whole atmosphere made me smile. I saw Matt, join the circle just as were about to take our third shot. He was standing on the opposite side and raised his glass to me in acknowledgement before knocking it back like the rest of us.

By now most of the girls were pretty buzzed and the guys decided to clear the table to play beer-pong. They set up a triangle of red cups on each end and poured Corona into each plastic cup. I wasn’t a big fan of beer-pong mostly because I suck at it, and no one likes to play something that they suck at. I wouldn’t mind joining if it was vodka pong, but beer tasted gross to me.

I was starting to feel a tad tipsy from the three shots, but it wasn’t close to enough to get me drunk. Throwing back another two shots, I headed for the dance floor. The living room had all the furniture pushed to the sides, leaving an open space in the middle. The hard wood floors were smooth and I suspected that someone moved the carpet to the corner to prevent it from being puked on. I started dancing with a couple of girls from my grade that I had become friendly with in my English class, the laughter spilling out of us every time some tripped or stumbled.

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