The day continued on with 'good vibes' as Charlie and I somehow became even closer as friends (and to think I thought we were inseparable before, #shook). As we finished up our food, and Charlie managing to get Jo's number (Charlie was completely ecstatic), we each headed home never wanting today to end.

       Charlie just dropped me off outside of my house, her little yellow 1974 Gremlin (I only knew the year of it 'cause Charlie believed the car was a beauty ... she wasn't wrong). "Later loser!" She called as she drove away, the Gremlin picking up speed, and just leaving me in its dust. I just sighed with a small smile. "Bye Charles."

       I quickly ran up my houses porch steps, and bursting through the door. I waited a second to see if anyone else was home — but I was only met it's silence. "Blessed, it's nap time." I said happily to myself as I threw off beloved trench coat. I then made my way upstairs to my room, and just jumped onto my bed. While laying on the bed, I quickly undressed myself till I was just down to my boxers and sighed contently as I snuggled further into the bed, finding a comfy position.  Before I knew it, I was fast asleep, dreams overwhelming.


     When my eyes shot open, I was only starting at dark night sky. I was met with a sudden wave of vertigo — realizing I was no longer in my bed, but instead on the Statue of Liberty. "What the hell?"

       Confusion wrapped itself in my mind, as I tried to remember how I had gotten here. Blinking rapidly, trying to make out what I was seeing to be real or not, something caught my attention. At first I couldn't place out what the problem was until it was the only I could see. The moon. It wasn't pure white like I had grown accustomed to, no, instead it shined a bright red.

      An eclipse.

     I had only every seen two of these in my life, but this one looked oddly different from the rest. "Cas," I heard a low voice say behind me. I instantly spun around, staring wide eyed at an empty space. "W-who's there?" I groaned, as I realized how stupid I must've sounded. I mentally slapped myself, but kept looking around my surroundings, and that's when I saw him. He was looking at me, his green eyes shining bright with tears making their way down his beautiful face.

       "I tried, Castiel." He pleaded shaking his head and looking away from me. For some unknown reason I stepped down from where I was standing and cupped his face in my hands. "I know you did. This isn't the end, we can still make it through this, we can —" I said as I tried to reassure (what for? I don't know).

       "No Cas!" He cried out in anger using a shorten version of my name. It felt so right to hear it come from him. "I did this, I couldn't stop him, the Angels are falling all because of me." He went on. He looked mentally defeated. He had dark circles under his eyes, and cuts and bruises on the visible skin. I felt of part of me have sympathy towards him.

"Dean" his name was Dean? How the hell did I know his name!? "we will make it through this. One way or another." I tilted his chin so he was liking into my eyes. He gave me a sad smile, and placed his right hand on my cheek and rubbed it. Before I knew it, he was leaning in, but it felt like slow motion. I watched as he looked up towards me, one last time. But something was different. Something was wrong. Instead of his eyes being a bright green, ones I could get lost in, they were pure black and he smiled so evilly. I tried to get away, but his smile just grew. It didn't look right in him.

"My, my, Cassie, it's great to see you again."



     So this may have been somewhat of a filler-ish chapter, but hey the party is coming up ;)

     Also ik it has been a hot minute (.... or months) since I've updated, but I'm currently at a writers block for mah other story sooooo maybe writing more on this one will help? Let's hope so.

       Also as most of you probably already know, Supernatural will be coming to an end after it's 15th season. In my opinion I feel that 15 years, 15 seasons, is a good time to end. The boys have given us quite an epic story with all their twists and turns. It does sadden me to know it is ending, but we all knew it would happen one day, and well I'd rather Supernatural ends than get dragged on and on and eventually become cancelled (if that were to happen). I just want to say that I love the 14 seasons that we have been given and look forward to the final season.

        It's just sad to let their story go.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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